Level 4


The highlight of our Reading over the last fortnight has to be Book Day! There were so many creative costumes across the level and it was wonderful to see so many of our students celebrating books and reading. 




Over the last two weeks, we have started our second narrative writing unit for the year. We are going to build on our skills from the start of the year and reach the new goals we have set for ourselves. To start the unit, we have focused on brainstorming the different elements of a narrative, creating word trees for our classroom full of character, setting and problem ideas. 





Our Maths focus has been time, specifically focusing on the skills of converting between units of time, calculating elapsed time, reading and creating timetables and combining all these new skills. To conclude the unit, we created our ideal school day timetable, listing the start and end time of each session, the duration of the session and converting those units where 






We are getting read to commence our main projects for the term so rounded out our ‘Sorting Out’ phase with learning about different vegetation zones and habitats, watching a documentary or two about the animals who live in these zones.