Level 2
What a fabulous two weeks of learning in Grade 2!
We have been learning how to create strong simple and compound sentences to make our writing more interesting and clear. We have also practiced skimming and scanning different texts to find important information quickly and focusing on identifying the key details to help us understand what we read. These skills are helping us become more confident and skilled readers and writers!
In Numeracy, we have been exploring multiplication and understanding how arrays can help us visualise and solve problems. We created our own array vegetable patches to see how different arrangements of plants can represent multiplication facts. We also played fun array games to reinforce our learning. We have started to explore factors and products as well as inverse operations to deepen our understanding of multiplication.
Literacy Day
Literacy Day was an absolute blast! Everyone dressed up as their favourite book characters, bringing our favourite stories to life. We spent the day engaging in exciting literacy activities from writing all about our character, to creating sparkly wristbands about what makes us unique! A highlight of Literacy Day was having an author, Crystal Corocher, visit our school. She answered our curious questions and read one of her books aloud! Overall, it was a wonderful celebration of books and imagination.
Wednesday 28th August & Wednesday 11th September – Tennis Program
Monday 2nd September – Father’s Day assembly and Classroom Open Morning
Wednesday 11th September & Thursday 12th September – 3-Way Conferences