Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
In 1/2B we have been very much enjoying our phonics lessons! We have been focusing on what the letter s sound makes. Our class loves cooking, and we decided to make some Smore pops which we loved making and eating. After our swimming week, these Smore pops were well deserved.
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
The Lower Primary team had a science incursion about materials. We explored a range of objects and sorted them into groups based on the material they were made from – glass, wood, metal and paper. We also experimented with magnets to see what objects the magnet would attract. Students also had an opportunity to use different materials to create a propeller.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Upper Primary students had a wonderful time participating in this year’s book week theme, Reading is Magic. They completed a variety of different activities including decorating their classroom door, using the green screen, hunting for hats and dressing up as their favourite book character. Students also enjoyed a visit from Max the Magician. We have continued with our Inquiry topic of materials and mixtures, investigating the changes that occur when solids and liquids are mixed and what happens when the mixture is heated or cooled.
Primary Students of the Week