
Scoresby Symposium
On Wednesday 31 July, we shared our work over the last term at the Scoresby Symposium. Students were tasked with responding to the Knox City Council brief: ‘How can we ensure that our people and our community are safe, supported and have every opportunity to thrive?’
We are very proud of how all our Year 8 students presented themselves on the day. Each group worked really hard to develop their ideas and to create their presentations, which was evident on the day.
A special mention to Harper Bennett, Lily James, Khushdip Kaur, Laura Woodhouse and Renee Woodwood-Smith who received the most votes at polling for their group Homelessness.
We want to give a big congratulations to all Year 8 students, as their hard work and dedication towards the project was really evident on the day.
We look forward to seeing next year’s Symposium and the continuation of this great learning opportunity in Year 8 English.
Mr Patrick Dempsey
English teacher