Principal's Report

Exciting College Events
We began term 3 by celebrating the achievement of our students. Along with their peers and families, on the first Thursday of term, we held our Semester 1 Celebration Assembly.
It was pleasing to see parents’ and carers’ pride in their children and to hear of their children’s engagement in learning from their families during morning tea.
Our college captains planned the event and acted as Masters of Ceremony during the celebration assembly. Following this, they worked together over numerous lunchtimes to evaluate the attitudes to school data results in preparation for convening a staff workshop.
On Monday 29 July, Anna Harper, Zac Bissett, Loren Watson, along with Jack Harper and Emma Foden facilitated a staff workshop to dissect the data, which they convened flawlessly. They were able to assist staff to interpret the data and synthesised the key messages for improved teaching practice and student learning, very well.
Shortly afterwards, the college athletics carnival was held in beautiful sunshine and was very well attended and enjoyed by all. It was pleasing to see so many ribbons pinned on most students and to hear of their endeavours throughout the day.
Many students dressed vibrantly in their house colours and our Year 12 students outdid themselves as they dressed up and paraded in character. Thank you to Ms Shianne Marsal for her excellent planning and leadership of this event.
Whilst the athletics was underway, some of our Year 11 students were competing in the Toyota Hydrogen Car Challenge at Altona, in the hope of progressing to the world championships in the US next year.
Despite their outstanding efforts, they narrowly missed making the world championships by one place. The team are already planning for taking that next step in 2025.
Congratulations to Lachlan MacTaggart, Savannah Ferguson, Emma Foden, Zac Bisset and Anna Harper, and thank you to Mr George Wardle for his prompting, encouragement and support of our students.
On Saturday 17 August, I had the privilege of watching Addi Jones and Violet Maceda participate in the Model United Nations Assembly conducted by Rotary.
Addi and Violet put forward the contention of China’s sovereignty over the China sea, and argued eloquently in favour of their position, receiving endorsement by the assembly after vigorously held and arguments by students representing other nations.
Thank you to Ms Kathryn Watt for assisting the students to prepare for the event and to Mr George Wardle for accompanying the students on the day.
Swinburne University is currently working with many of our students as they partake in the Children’s University Program.
Again, I thank Kathryn for her work to support our students and congratulate Katie Allan, Mia Lindsay, Addi Jones, Jameson Jones, Liam Schulz, Sahib Singh, and Bek Howarth for being selected.
I sincerely thank students, staff, parents and carers for their support whilst I have been in the Acting Principal role and wish to advise that I will remain in this role until further notice.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Acting Principal