Around the Junior School

Pre-Kinder’s Christmas in July

Wednesday 31 July was our Christmas in July celebration. The children dressed in their best Christmas dress ups and enjoyed a day of Christmas related activities. They made cupcakes for morning tea, painted Christmas trees in art class, we shared Christmas songs, dances and stories in group time. The highlight of the day was a visit from Mr Clause himself. Very exciting.

Year 4 - Sustainability

In Term 2, Year 4 embarked on a comprehensive investigation into sustainability and waste management as part of their Geography studies. The unit began with a broad exploration of different types of waste, disposal methods, environmental consequences of inadequate waste management and potential solutions. This was followed by a local focus with a visit to the Orange Resource Recovery Centre, where students gained firsthand insights into waste management processes and the importance of responsible waste disposal within their community.


Inspired by their new knowledge, Year 4 students took on the challenge of advocating for and implementing sustainable waste practices within the Junior School. They spent several weeks rigorously investigating the current state of waste management at our school through surveys, interviews, observations, and data collection. Their findings pinpointed key areas where improvements in sustainability and waste management could be made. 


To inspire action, students used rhetorical techniques learned during English lessons to craft persuasive speeches aimed at rallying support from within the school community.

Within their speeches, students proposed practical solutions, including introducing composting and worm farming initiatives, creating educational posters on proper waste disposal, and reducing single-use plastics in the canteen and lunchboxes. By the end of Term 2, their collective efforts led to the successful establishment of a functional worm farm, which Year 4 continues to maintain with daily 'crunch and sip' food scraps.


Additionally, guided by the talented Ms Sinclair, students formed a garage band using instruments made from 100% recycled materials, including items collected during their excursion to the ORRC. The band performed a song promoting upcycling, further demonstrating their commitment to sustainable practices.


This investigation not only deepened the students' understanding of waste reduction and proper management but also instilled a strong sense of environmental stewardship. The students of Year 4 are congratulated for their passionate advocacy and commitment to making a positive impact on their school environment and for setting an example of environmental responsibility for future generations.

100 Days of Kinder

On 6 August Kindergarten celebrated 100 days of school. Maths was the main focus of the day, with students counting to 100.... quite a few times! Each student brought a collection of 10 items to school, and these collections were combined with others until the total reached 100 items. It was wonderful to see students collaborating and problem solving together on this complicated maths task. At morning tea the counting continued with a 'build your own 100 morning tea' activity. In the afternoon the students showed how they were most definitely 100 days smarter with a visit to the science laboratory. They enjoyed looking at different materials and objects through the microscope and learning all about what scientists do! A wonderful day of learning was had by all. 

IPSHA NSW/ACT Virtual Art Show 2024

Abigail W, Kinross Wolaroi School, Year 2, Drawing and Mark Making
Lily J, Kinross Wolaroi School, Kindergarten, Sculpture and 3D Works
Nate B, Kinross Wolaroi School, Year 1, Drawing and Mark Making
Sophie K, Kinross Wolaroi School, Year 4, Printmaking
Abigail W, Kinross Wolaroi School, Year 2, Drawing and Mark Making
Lily J, Kinross Wolaroi School, Kindergarten, Sculpture and 3D Works
Nate B, Kinross Wolaroi School, Year 1, Drawing and Mark Making
Sophie K, Kinross Wolaroi School, Year 4, Printmaking

We are very excited to be a part of the IPSHA NSW/ACT Virtual Art Show for 2024. Each year, the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia curates a virtual art show and this year is the first time Kinross Wolaroi School has submitted artworks by Junior School students. 


Sue Floro, the President of the IPSHA NSW/ACT Branch said, “This virtual gallery is not just a display of art; it is a testament to the creativity and dedication of our students and teachers alike.” Well done to all of our students who continuously put in their very best effort in Visual Arts.


You can view artworks by school or by category of works using the link and password below. Enjoy!

Password:  IPSHAart2024

Mrs Alicia Holmes 
Visual Arts Specialist Teacher 

Sami Bayly Illustrator & Author Visit

Natural History Illustrator and Author, Sami Bayly is coming to the school as part of our Book Week Celebrations on Monday 19 August.


To find out more about Sami, please click on the link: All — Sami Bayly


Year 9 Art Elective and all Pre-Kinder to Year 6 students will have the opportunity to do a workshop with Sami throughout the day. 

If you would like to order one of Sami’s books, please see the pre-order from below. Please note that the last day you can order is 17 August, 2024. If you already have any of Sami’s books, please bring them in on Monday 19 August and Sami will sign them for you.


During term 1 and 2, the TWIG students visited Ascott Gardens Aged Care Facility. This proved to be a wonderful service-learning opportunity. During the visit students shared time with a few of the residents, reading poetry, stories, completing some puzzles together and most importantly connecting through conversations.  The students thoroughly enjoyed creating new friendships with the elderly residents and look forward to sharing further time during Semester 2. Thank you to Ascott Gardens for making this a great opportunity for our students.

The students have also been busy knitting beanies. This has proven to be a challenge and are still a work in progress.  Once complete, they will be donated to those in need in our community.  


TWIG students will also be offering their time to assist Rev Sally in making sandwiches for a local community charity in Week 8. The kitchen will surely be buzzing with the excitement of using the senior school kitchen facility. 


The students are motivated with the service-learning opportunities that lie ahead, in particular building the connections with our elderly friends at Ascott Gardens. 

Ms Rebecca Essex  

Merit Awards - Term 3 Week 2 

K Nemo

  • Rocco Taylor: Accurate reading of the time in maths.
  • James Coleman: Making amazing strides with his reading.

1 Eco-Octonauts     

  • Macquarie Colebourn: Fabulous work in Guided Reading Groups.
  • Leila Madden: Super Spelling and sharing her understanding of spelling rules.

1 Minton

  • Chloe Oldroyd: Her fabulous work in telling the time to the half past.
  • James Meachin: His insightful observations about the changes in the Earth and the Sky in Science.

2 Lorax

  • Hugh MacMahon: for returning from the holidays with a positive attitude and a readiness to learn.
  • Lincoln Morley: consistently demonstrating a growth mindset and never giving up, even when faced with challenges.

2 Yindyamarra

  • Will Pegum: making great connections during our geography studies!
  • Fergus Sinclair: excellent choral reading during class fluency lessons!

3 Uno

  • Thomas Haydon: Attention to detail in writing and for challenging himself in Mathematics.
  • Fathjit Singh: A mature approach to learning and for outstanding spelling work.

4 Kiernan    

  • Eve MacMahon: Her dedication and consistent effort in mathematics, always striving to improve and seeking help when needed.
  • Louis Pantehis-Marriott: Always being respectful and inclusive of his peers and consistently applying himself in all areas of school.

4 Goodall

  • Jack Coleman: showing commitment to learning and great participation in our decimal lessons this week.
  • Morgan Zinga: sharing wonderful ideas and interesting predictions about the characters in the book ‘The Callers.’

5 Bear Grylls

  • Liam McCormack: his all-round commitment to school life. Liam works diligently in all lessons and is always kind, caring and helpful to his peers.
  • Phoebe Clinton: taking courageous risks in her learning which has resulted in some great progress in both Maths and English. Keep up your hard work Pip!

5 Seed

  • James Robson: consistently demonstrating exceptional effort in maths, diligently working on improving his skills. His dedication and perseverance are truly commendable.
  • Rishika Bohra: consistently shows tenacity in her work, always striving to do her best. Her perseverance and determination in class are truly inspiring.

6 Rober

  • Lucy Toynton: For making wonderfully smooth transition into 6R. We look forward to you being a part of our class and sharing the wonderful experiences of Year 6.
  • Will Watkins: For his commitment to his learning and his inquiring questions during class discussions.

6 Dalziel

  • Ben Howe: His enthusiastic contributions to class discussions about Fake News and always willingly to help others in digital technologies.
  • Alice Jones: Using her planning time in writing effectively and always having a positive attitude towards all areas of learning. Keep up the brilliant work!