
Emily Zell, Year 12 Loader House Boarder 

Last weekend, the boarding community came together to raise awareness about domestic violence in regional and rural Australia. After much behind-the-scenes work and fundraising, over $1,000 was raised at the boarders' annual charity Boys vs. Girls netball match, and the funds were put to good use. With a fifty-dollar note and a list of items, the boarders broke into groups and were sent down the street. Tasked with collecting items such as a handbag, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, sanitary products, lollies, and hair care items, each group returned with a bag ready to donate to a survivor escaping violence at home.


Domestic violence is a significant issue in Australia, particularly in regional areas. This year alone, 44 women have been killed by violence—one every five days. In NSW, one in two domestic violence-related assaults, and 47 of the top 50 local government areas with the highest rates of domestic violence assaults, are outside metropolitan Sydney. As a regional community, this is an issue that impacts each of us—whether we realize it or not—and it is crucial to raise awareness. We must break the stigma surrounding what has long been considered a private issue and start discussing why this is happening and what we can do to help. 


By collecting these bags, the boarders have been able to consider the impact they can make and the importance of each item in addressing a larger issue.

The idea to create support bags for domestic violence survivors initially started as my individual project, and with the support of the boarding community, it has developed into something much bigger. These bags, created by the boarders, will join a collection that has been donated to shelters and centers around regional NSW, ensuring that 22 more women have access to basic supplies during, statistically speaking, the most unsafe time of their lives. It has been amazing to see the power of boarding in full effect, and their impact will go a long way in the lives of others.