From the Head of Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman, Executive Director, Head of Senior School

Best wishes for the HSC Trials 

Wishing our Year 12 cohort the very best of luck as you approach your HSC Trial exams next week! You've worked incredibly hard to reach this point, and now is the time to showcase all that you've learned. Remember to stay focused, manage your time wisely, and trust in your abilities. These trials are just one step on your journey, so approach them with confidence and determination. You’ve got this! 

Tips from former Year 12 students — on study 

Debating Update 

(Report by Sala Orme-Smith, year 11, Captain of Debating) 

This year has been exceptionally busy for our debating teams, with strong performances across the HICES and ANDVC competitions. Our students have shown remarkable dedication, and their hard work is paying off. Special recognition goes to our undefeated Year 8 team—Poppy Warren, Georgie Simpson, Lola Mages, and Anna Orr—who have advanced to the Finals in the HICES competition. 


Additionally, our Year 7 and 8 students have demonstrated great flexibility and confidence, stepping in to compete in the Year 9/10 division when needed. Notably, Year 7 students Joanie Tink and Sahasra Avirneni contributed to a Year 10 victory alongside Abbey Cunial and Alice Scholte.  


Our Year 11 team has also excelled, winning all rounds and reaching the semi-finals in the HICES competition. They are now down to the final two teams in the Southern Division of the HICES Competition. We will also be competing against local schools in Orange for the Mayor's Cup on Thursday as part of the Orange City Council's Local Government Week celebrations. 


Later this term, we will host the Dudley Cup in honor of the late Mrs Holland for her dedication to Debating. The competition, involving local high schools, marks the first time our school has hosted it in recent years, though we have been the reigning champions for the past two years. In the ANDVC Competition, our teams have faced off against schools nationwide, with Years 7, 9, 10, and 11 teams achieving victories in two out of three debates. 

School Prefect Interviews 

Last week, I had the privilege of participating in student leadership interviews for the 2025 School Prefect positions. To our dedicated Year 11 students who took part, I extend my heartfelt thanks and congratulations. Your passion, commitment, and desire to represent our school community are truly commendable. We are immensely proud of each of you for taking this bold step forward. The selection process will continue in the coming weeks, involving both staff and student voting, before recommendations are forwarded to Dr Parry for the finalisation of next year’s student leadership team. Sincere thanks to Mrs McCalman, Ms Kite, Mrs Whittemore and Mr Byrne for their assistance with the interview process. 

Year 7 Parent Teacher Interviews 

A reminder to Year 7 Parents and Carers that online Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on Tuesday 20 August from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Information and bookings have been distributed directly to families via email. 

Special (Harvest) Leave

Information for families 

Earlier this week a letter was sent to families outlining guidelines for families seeking Special (Harvest) Leave for students to return home at harvest time to assist with vital farming operations. A copy of the letter can be accessed via the link below.