Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
Hats, Water Bottles and Sunscreen
Please ensure your child has a water bottle every day and a hat for days where UV is above 3. A good idea is to leave the hat in the school bag. We do offer sunscreen during the day so if your child is not able to use Woolworths brand sunscreen, please send along a small container to remain in your child’s bag.
If your child does not already know how to tie their shoelaces, now is a good time to teach them. We are being asked multiple times a day to tie up laces so we ask that if your child is not able to tie their own laces, please ensure your child has Velcro fastenings on their shoes.
Celebration of Learning Tuesday 24th September 5.30 pm – 6.30pm
Families are invited to come along to the classrooms as the Year 1/2 Classes present their learning at this special event. All students will take part in a group presentation and then your child will take you to different stations to explain their learning this term. There will be 2 half hour sessions: 5.30 – 6pm and 6-6.30pm. You will be sent a link before the night to book in for only one of the sessions.
Request for cube containers e.g. tomato or strawberry punnets with the attached lid.
Thank you for those sent in so far. Only a few more needed.
Year 1 Sleepover Friday 18th October
The Sleepover will be held at school from 5pm on Friday to 8am on Saturday. The purpose of the sleepover is to develop independence and confidence with sleeping in an environment away from home. It is an event which makes special memories your child can treasure as well as being part of our stepped approach, which begins with the Foundation BBQ and continues in Years 2-6 with overnight camps.
Year 2 Camp is at AFL Max, West Beach, from Tuesday 19th November until Wednesday 20th November. More details will be sent home before the end of term.
Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the Sleepover or Camp.
If you would like to put in an expression of interest to assist with supervising on the Year 1 Sleepover or the Year 2 Camp, please ensure you are a registered volunteer. Please email your classroom teacher, even if you have notified them previously of your interest.
This involves having the following up to date:
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Responding to Abuse, Harm and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) training
Take Home Books
Please bring these to school on Mondays in the clear plastic envelope for changing. On other days the clear plastic envelope can remain at home. Students are encouraged to borrow 4 books a week.
Reading – We encourage approximately 10-15 minutes each night.
Home Inquiry
Set up a shop at home and ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ items e.g. your toys. Make up prices, add them up and work out the change. You could make paper dollars.
Learning for Week 8 and 9:
In Reader’s Workshop mini lessons, we will be finishing our character study of Melanie Watt’s Scaredy Squirrel by looking at how the author links the beginning and end of the story and what her main messages are.
In Writer’s Workshop we finish writing narratives and begin writing simple procedures e.g. how to make mashed potato. This links with the food processes in the Unit of Inquiry.
Each week there is a focus ‘sound of the week’. Students are introduced to groups of words which use spelling patterns and revise the alternative spellings of vowel sounds.
The sound of the week is not intended to be a spelling list for you to teach your child at home. It is for you to be aware of what we are teaching at school, and you are welcome to use the sound as a starting point for your child to share what they are learning.
Week 8 and 9:
Year 1 ew
Year 2 silent c
Year 1 ou
Year 2 ou, ow e.g. ouch
Grammar Focus
Year 1: alphabetical order
Year 2: expanding a sentence
Grammar is also being incorporated in our Unit of Inquiry as we look at verbs and nouns in food processes.
Year 1s and Year 2s will continue to practise adding and subtracting amounts each week and collect, represent and analyse data e.g. tallies, graphs and what they tell us.
Unit of Inquiry: How We Organise Ourselves
Central Idea: Places and processes are involved in producing food.
Line of Inquiry 1: Places involved in food production
Line of Inquiry 2: Processes involved in food production
Line of Inquiry 3: The connections between money, Maths and data in food production
Students investigate where foods are grown/produced in Australia, and mark the places on a map. What is the cost and environmental impact of sourcing food from far away vs locally.
Christian Studies: Christian Beliefs
Key Idea: The person and work of Jesus the Christ is central to Christianity.
Students make connections between people and Jesus through the significant events.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
water bottles
a fruit/veg snack
lunch – ‘nude’ food (no wrappers), leave chocolates or lollies for home
Cancer Council recommends hats and sunscreen when the UV rating is 3 or above.
Library Borrowing
The whole class goes to the library on Wednesdays (Year 1/2Z) and Thursdays (Year 1/2AK). A reminder that individual students can borrow books on other days during the week if they would like new books before the class borrowing day.
May God bless your week,
Melanie and Ellen
Melanie Arnold
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer