
Quest Retreat
The Quest Retreat is a beautiful way to empower young men to live out their faith and Christian leadership – serving as Jesus did. Last Friday afternoon, 350 students were involved in this special retreat. Commencing with Mass, which was celebrated by Fra Oscar and led by our 29 Year 12 Cadre leaders.
We also had 64 Year 11 Peer Ministers who sat with their small group of 3-4 Year 8 boys, and to our Year 10 Roadies for collecting your generous can collections. This Retreat involves many year levels and cannot run without the support of many staff – thank you! Special recognition must go to Mr Bernard Le Tessier – Coordinator of Quest, who has spent countless hours ensuring the success of this spiritual retreat for our Year 8 students and to Mr Anthony Byrne.
Year 11 Mass
Congratulations to Mrs Bryant and her 11.2 PCG for hosting the Year 11 Mass with enthusiasm and commitment to their faith journey at the College. Thank you, Mr Allen and all students who had a role, and especially to our ever-supportive parents. What an amazing turnout.
Friday Community Mass
Friday 8.00am Community Mass will resume next week the March 15, 2024.
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry
Mr Le Tessier
Quest Coordinator
Mr Anthony Byrne
Deputy of Mission and Engagement