Around the School

Prep C
In Prep C, we have been learning our sounds through play based experiences. Practicing our PLD is one of our favourite learning activities each day. We decided to practice our sound writing through shaving cream, rice and salt play. We also used our fine motor skills to manipulate playdough into an S sound.
Our class has been learning about Perimeter and Area, and the difference between the two measurements. We used all the books in the classroom to find the Area of a designated space. We choose books as our measuring tool as they have straight sides, so no gaps.
The Area of our space turned out to be 115 books! The Area was ten books wide in a row and then eleven rows tall. We had a funny little space of books to add on, as our Area was not a perfect rectangle, hence 110 add 5 more books.
The students suggested (and pleaded) that their books remained there for the rest of the day, as the patchwork ‘quilt’ looked so good…..Mrs Clark took a photo of the Area ‘quilt’ for posterity, so we could all get back to work!