Culture & Inclusion

Head of Inclusion (HOI)
April is Autism Awareness month. Autism Queensland define autism as:
“a complex lifelong developmental disability that can cause differences in communication, interacting with others and experiences in everyday situations.”
Students at GSPS who are autistic, are supported in classrooms alongside their same age peers. Adjustments are made to suit their individual diverse needs and to assist them to achieve in all aspects of schooling.
In Week 10 of Term 1, we were fortunate to have an Inclusion Teacher and Speech Language Pathologist from Autism Queensland visit our school. During their visit they provided information, advice and support to classroom teachers, parents and students to support the educational outcomes of our diverse learners.
As part of inclusion here at GSPS we were lucky enough to be able to provide a frame runner for one of our students so that he could compete in last terms school cross country. It was a GREAT day on the oval for all.
Cultural Committee
This year we will be holding our school NAIDOC Day celebrations on Wednesday 19th June 2024.