Year 2/3

Year 2/3 Cluster News

Home Inquiry  

High Frequency Words: We will continue using these at school. Once any unknown words are determined then they will be sent home for practicing.  

Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night.  

Inquiry: Let’s think more about good HYGIENE – what do you do to keep your body clean? Create a picture or a mind map that lists all the things you do to care for your body. 


Learning this week:  

Literacy: Jolly Spelling: Year 2 sound focus this week is: si for zh The Year 3 sound focus this week is: the suffix able. Below are the two lists of words we will be using at school to practise the sounds with. 

Year 2 – si for zh  

Year 3 – suffix able 















adaptable dependable breakable 

usable lovable 










Year 2 Key: underlined = revision words; bold = high frequency words 


Writer’s Workshop: We will continue to explore the use of paragraphs in our writing and will end the term by creating our own Author Blurbs.  


Readers Workshop: We will finish the term by exploring different comprehension strategies.  


Mathematics: We will begin exploring multiplication skills this week: specifically building our understanding of what multiplication is and the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s timetables.  


Unit of Inquiry: We will continue exploring our unit of inquiry: Who We Are with a focus on personal health and wellbeing. This week we will be exploring social health and physical health. 


Christian Studies: This term we will be exploring the strand: Christian Church through key idea 2, Band A: Students draw conclusions about the purpose of the Christian church in the local community.  








Year 3/4 Camp Updates: 

Please be aware that Mrs Jayne Zadow will be attending our camp in Week 11 in the place of Mrs Smallfield who will be returning to NSW. We wish Mrs Smallfield all the best, and safe travels as their family embark on this next journey together. Mrs Zadow will be our medical officer on camp, she will be in the courtyard Monday morning of camp to receive medications and instructions for administration.  

Whilst we are on camp if you wish to contact us please contact us (Jayne) via this number 0419 832 654.  

In Week 11 whilst Mr Trezona is on camp, the Year 2s will remain at school. They will have Mrs Rudiger on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Trevena for Wednesday afternoon. 


Year 3/4 Camp: Packing List  

Below is a suggested list of items required for our Camp to Mylor in Week 11 – please note that we are participating in both a challenge course and in a swimming activity – so please pack accordingly. A hard copy of this will also be sent home this week.  


Student Packing List – 3/4 Camp (Week 11) 

For your safety and enjoyment, we ask that you pack all of the equipment listed below. Please pack all of your gear into ONE MEDIUM SIZED duffel bag (or similar), plus a sleeping bag and a day backpack. Do not bring excess gear as luggage space is limited. Consider warmth, sun protection and comfort when packing (avoid short shorts or clothes that you do not want to get dirty). Please note that you are required to wear footwear at all times around the campsite.  Please label all items – including socks and underwear.  


  • Sunscreen 
  • Personal medication (eg. ventolin, epipen) 
  • 3 sets of climate appropriate day clothes suitable for activity participation 
  • 1 warm jacket/jumper  
  • Rain jacket with hood (if rain is forecast) 
  • 1 set of climate appropriate pyjamas 
  • 1 pair of comfortable enclosed shoes suitable for outdoor activity 
  • A change of socks and underwear for each day of camp 
  • Sleeping bag 
  • Single fitted sheet and pillow 
  • Towel (for shower) 
  • Toiletries  
  • Torch 
  • Students may pack a book to read at bedtime 


  • First day morning tea and lunch 
  • Refillable water bottle (labelled) 
  • Broad brim hat 


  • Old sneakers, wetsuit booties or reef sandals that can get wet and dirty (no thongs) 
  • Old clothes that can get wet and muddy 
  • Swimmers, board shorts and a rash vest or t-shirt (no singlets) 
  • Garbage bag for wet clothes/swimmers 
  • Towel (for swimming) 
  • Goggles (optional) 


  • Electronic equipment (including mobile phones, iPads, any other devices) 
  • Foods containing whole nuts or nut products (traces of nuts are ok) 
  • Aerosol sprays (eg. deodorant, perfume, repellent etc – roll on only) 
  • Do not bring packets of lollies, soft drinks and any items against school rules. 


Good Friday and Easter Monday  

Please be aware that we have both Good Friday and Easter Monday Public Holidays coming up. Friday 29th March (Week 9) & Monday 1st April (Week 10).  


Parent-Teacher Interviews

Our parent-teacher interviews will be held in person on Tuesday 2 April and Wednesday 3 April from 3.30pm until 7.15pm (last booking at 7.00pm)

Bookings can be made via the TASS Parent Lounge Portal, to login please click on the following link:

Parent Lounge (


A reminder that TASS Parent Lounge also allows you to update your details including address, email and phone number, as well as add or update student medical information. There is also the option to notify the school and view student attendance and contact class teachers.


If you are unable to login, please contact the office.



Blessings for the week ahead, 

Brodie Trezona  

Year 2/3 Teacher