Celebration Spot

Honouring and celebrating our student's achievements

Each week we love to celebrate any students who may have participated or achieved great results in any activities.  These can be both from within school or outside of school.


Please feel free to email us at reception@dcs.tas.edu.au with details so we can celebrate together as a community!

Surf Life Saving Award

Congratulations to Maple (Yr 2), who was awarded the Coaches Choice Award for Under 8s at the final Nippers day for the Port Sorell Lifesaving Club recently.  Maple received this award for growing in confidence, showing great resilience and competing at a Surf Club Carnival in Burnie.  Well done Maple!

Junior Power Boat Racing

Congratulations to Lucas (Yr 7), who recently won first place in the Mozza Memorial Junior Power Boat Racing - for the third year in a row!  Great work Lucas!

 School Wide Way Winners

Congratulations to the following students for receiving the DCS School Wide Way Winner awards this week!

Be Responsible: Jack
Be A Learner: Cullen
Be A Blessing: Harper
Be Safe: Castiel
Be Respectful: Dorothy
Be Responsible: Jack
Be A Learner: Cullen
Be A Blessing: Harper
Be Safe: Castiel
Be Respectful: Dorothy