What's Happening In Secondary

News and Information from Secondary

What Is Easter To Me?

The first thing we think of when someone says Easter is Easter eggs and hot cross buns, but when we dive deeper we remember that Easter is the day that celebrates the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.


The more you think about it, the more incredible his sacrifice becomes. Consider Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane: Jesus prayed in Matthew 26:39, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” This shows that Jesus was fully committed to saving us, even though it would cost Him dearly. 


Jesus’ courage and dedication to God’s will helped him to endure immense suffering at the hands of his captors. He never wavered from God’s plan for salvation. Something that stands out is the fact that Jesus sacrificed his sinless life for people that beat, mocked, accused and crucified him. This is the greatest example of God’s love for us!


When Jesus rose from the dead, he showed himself to many of his followers. Some of his disciples were even second guessing his presence, needing proof of the scars on his hands, feet and side. Jesus allowed his disciples to touch his hands and feet to show that he truly was alive! Today we have the privilege of a close personal relationship with God because of his Spirit that lives freely in us. We also get the opportunity to share Him with others and help grow His kingdom. 


So this Easter, think about the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us and devote your life to following Jesus and living out the Fruits of the Spirit.


By Zoe and Lucy

Easter Service Assembly

Please join us tomorrow (Thursday 28th March) from 8.35am for our Easter Service Assembly in the Jiloa Centre.


All are welcome.

Upcoming Events:

Thur 28th March Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
 8.35amWhole School Easter Service Assembly
Fri 29th March Good Friday
Mon 1st April Easter Monday
Tues 2nd April Easter Tuesday
Thur 4th April Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
  Secondary Athletics Carnival
Fri 5th April9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 8th April Year 8 Camp - The Lea Scout Centre, Kingston
Tues 9th April Year 8 Camp - The Lea Scout Centre, Kingston
Wed 10th April Year 8 Camp - The Lea Scout Centre, Kingston
Thur 11th April Year 8 Camp - The Lea Scout Centre, Kingston
  Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
Fri 12th April Last Day Term 1
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer