Literacy Parent Session

In Term 2, there will be opportunities for parents to volunteer in Prep to Year 2 classrooms during the Literacy block. This can be a valuable experience for both you and your child and helps build positive relationships between school and home. If this interests you, please ensure you have a current Working with Children Check and see below for information about our Literacy Parent Session. Teacher will send out rosters for you to volunteer once the term commences.


We are offering an information session for any parent who would like to be a helper in the classroom for Literacy in Prep to Year 2, or anyone who would like some ideas about how to support their child’s literacy learning at home. 


This is particularly aimed at Prep families and beginning readers. However if you are a parent in Year 1 or Year 2 and you have not previously attended a parent helper course and would like to help in the classroom, please come along. 


If you have previously completed a parent helper course at St Louis de Montfort's there is no requirement to attend again but everyone is welcome. You are also welcome to attend out of interest and you are not obligated to work in the classroom.


When: Thursday 18 April at 8.50am (approximately 60 minutes)

Where: In the Performing Arts Centre


We hope to see you there!