Deputy Principal's Report

Dear Families,


I trust this message finds you well and that your week has been filled with joy and productivity. 


As always, your support and involvement are invaluable to us. Thank you to all families, who are assisting with the St Patrick's Festival. Whether it's volunteering your time or sharing your ideas your contributions make a significant difference. A special thank you to the P & F who have worked tirelessly to organise and prepare this special event. 


We look forward to celebrating the St. Patrick's Festival with you and your children, and we're confident that it will be a truly unforgettable event. Thank you for being part of our school community, and let's make this year's festivities the best one yet!

Random Acts of Kindness


I would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their exemplary display of kindness towards others. It's truly inspiring to witness students across different year levels supporting one another and making an effort to spread kindness. Your actions make our school community a better place for everyone.


Week 7


Jaxon  M. (1CL), Darcy B. (1BT), Teagan P. (1CL), Oliver  A. (P), Mason V. (P) For being such a help at cleaning up the Prep playground when he wasn’t even asked to. Way to go!

Olivia M. (3) Looking out for others when they were hurt

Leo (3) Always pushing in others' chairs without being asked

Alessi (3) Helping clean up after others with a smile

Lawson S. (3IM) For helping clean up after others with a smile

Layla D (3IM) For encouraging classmates when they were sad


Safety on the Yard - before and afterschool

As we continue to prioritise the safety and well-being of all students, familes and staff I want to send a friendly reminder regarding the use of bikes and scooters on school grounds.

To maintain a secure environment and ensure the safety of everyone, we kindly request that bikes and scooters be walked while on school property. This small but important measure helps prevent accidents and ensures a smooth flow of foot traffic, particularly during busy times.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. By walking bikes and scooters, we collectively contribute to the safety and comfort of our school community.

Friendly Reminder 


Just a friendly reminder to all school families that dogs are not permitted on the school grounds at any time. If you walk your dog to school, they must remain supervised outside the school gates. Thanks for your understanding.

Seasons for Growth 

I am pleased to inform you that this year, we will continue to run the Seasons for Growth Program, specifically designed to provide support for students in Years 1-6 who have experienced significant changes in their lives. These changes may include loss, death, family breakdown, or any other circumstances that have impacted their well-being.

The Seasons for Growth Program aims to create a supportive environment where students can explore and express their feelings, develop coping strategies, and connect with peers who may have gone through similar experiences. We believe in the importance of addressing the emotional well-being of our students and this program serves as a valuable resource in that regard.

Bounceback! Resilience Group

Another school program that will resume in Term 2 is the BounceBack! Program. BounceBack! is a renowned positive education curriculum program that delves into important aspects of wellbeing, resilience, and social and emotional learning specifically tailored for primary school children. Through engaging activities and discussions, students learn valuable skills that empower them to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience. I will be running these groups in the afternoons on a fortnightly basis. 


We look forward to sharing more adventures and successes with you throughout the term.


Have a wonderful rest of your week, 


Joelle Diakrousis

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity Leader