Kinder Buddies

at Seedlings and Warekila

At both Seedlings and Warekila we are excited to have strong relationships with the students and staff at Whitehorse Primary School. 


This month the Grade 5 buddies from WPS came to Seedlings and Warekila for our first buddies' session. The kinder children were really excited to meet big school kids and make new friends. Warekila had Crazy Hair Day and some of the big buddies also sported some crazy hairdos. At Seedlings the buddies paired up with their new kinder friends, did some drawings together and showed off their favourite things to do at kinder. It was a wonderful first meeting for the kindergarteners as they got extra help doing tricky puzzles, learning new things to do on monkey bars, created huge block towers, built with the Duplo and had fun with water play. After the Grade 5 buddies left, the Kinders were able to recall lots of names and fun facts about their new friends. They're looking forward to more buddy sessions!


For all students our buddies program builds a great sense of community and supports leadership development for the older students and school readiness for our younger students.