
Congratulations to all of our award recipients! 




Week 5Week 6

FAS - Nathaniel W

For always being focused and trying his best to learn. Nate, you have been a superstar learner in Prep S and a wonderful role model to others. 

FAS - Addison C

For being a kind and grateful member of Prep S. Addison, you make us smile with your lovely compliments and happy nature. 

JCP - Emma S

For thinking creatively and using lot's of interesting words in your writing. I always look forward to reading your work. 

JCP - Frankie B

For being very mindful when we are working on comprehension skills by including many details about the text. 

JMM - Stevie M

Your amazing work in writing, keep working hard superstar!

JMM - Eli S

Applying feedback to improve your work.  You are a star Eli!

JRS - Juniper Y

For fantastic word choice in your writing. 

JRS - Zach I

For your confidence to share your amazing Maths strategies to the class. 

MLM - Mabel L

Excellent focus on her learning and motivation to improve.

MLM - Noe L

His kindness and care to celebrate others' achievements.

MPO - Eddie M

For your outstanding development of your ideas in writing.

MPO - Imani S

For consistently giving your best efforts in all learning areas.

SLM - Foteini K

For your outstanding efforts in writing this week. You have blown me away! Be proud, Foteini!


SLM - Nina H

For the constant respect, care and kindness that you show all others. You are a great role model, Nina!

SRW - Matea D

For showing kindness, empathy and friendship consistently to those around you on camp. You are a gem!

SRW - Aya C

For connecting with your audience by using emotive language and persuasive devices in your persuasive text, 'Everyone Shoudl Learn To Cook'. Well done!

SSW - Jada J

For diving head first in to every learning opportunity. You take on every challenge from maths to surfing with a giant smile. You have made such a positive impact at Newtown Primary.

SSW - Daniel P

For actively participating in learning tasks across multiple subjects this week. Well done!


Student Birthdays






We would like to say a BIG Happy Birthday to the following students who have celebrated their birthdays over the last two weeks.  We hope you had an AMAZING day! 


Daniel P - SSW

Henry C - JCP

Alex B - SRW

Evie C - SRW

Max Y - MLM

Georgia A - SLM