United Nations 

Youth Summit

UN event at CHES in Term 1, 2024

In Term 1, CHES hosted the model Youth United Nations Assembly for over 100 students with the UN Association of Australia. We were impressed with the way that students engaged with the topic, which centred around the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the international community.  Students adopted the role of ambassadors for their nations, learning to present a position, negotiate with delegates from the other nations, and work towards passing a UN resolution. International diplomacy never operated so successfully!


The conference ran over the full school day as a creative simulation of the United Nations General Assembly in which teams represented Member States of the UN. Students got to step into the shoes of country ambassadors and draw on negotiation and diplomacy skills to ensure the views of their country were heard. 

This was an exciting opportunity to understand the dynamics of international relations and gain insight into the work and functionality of the United Nations. Students developed their skills of negotiation, active listening and speaking while hopefully securing a more sustainable future for the world!  

A big thank you to Sapphira Talbot-Strettle for coordinating this event so successfully. 


Thank you to the United Nations Australia Association. We look forward to hosting this enrichment event again in 2025.