Year 10 Electives

Enrichment opportunities available to Year 10 students across Victoria

To provide a solid foundation for future study of VCE Algorithmics, VCE Extended Investigation and VCE English Language, CHES offers specialised electives for high-achieving Year 10 students. 


Each of these electives are one semester in length. Students can study more than one of these electives.


These electives are not intended to replace electives that students may be taking at their base school in Year 10. Instead, they provide enrichment and extension beyond the school curriculum. Students will be expected to complete 2 or 3 hours of hy-flex learning each week (for the 15-week semester) and must attend the scheduled 60-minute live lessons each week. 

The compulsory live lessons are scheduled at these times: 

  • Year 10 Critical Thinking - Wednesdays 4.30 - 5.30pm
  • Year 10 Research Matters - Wednesdays 4.30 - 5.30pm 
  • Year 10 Algorithmics - Thursdays 4.30 - 5.30pm

Student attendance and participation at our weekly live-lessons for these Year 10 electives has been outstanding. 


Introduction to Algorithmics

In this elective, students have been learning pseudocode, data structures and functions in Python. 


In Term 2, students will learn graphs as models for real world problems and will learn about recursion and application in Python. This provides a solid basis for studying VCE Algorithmics with CHES in future. 


Critical Thinking for Creative Minds

In Critical Thinking for Creative Minds, students have been learning what makes an effective argument and the importance of understanding context when forming a position on an issue, through topics such as the Enhanced Games and Australia's pre-colonial history. The class have discussed how these contested issues have been debated by experts, journalists and the general public. 


Term 2 will focus on debating and applying critical thinking skills such as assumptions and counter-arguments to generate an effective case for the debates later in the semester. 


Research Matters

In this subject, students have been learning to develop their own research question and planning to research their chosen topic. They are learning the principles of 'good research', including different methods, ethical considerations and also how not to do research. 


Term 2 will see the class undertake their investigation and present their findings to their peers at the final Year 10 seminar day. 


Semester 2 enrolments

In semester one, these electives are fully subscribed. However, we are accepting applications from suitable Year 10 students in semester 2. These electives are designed for high-ability Year 10 students who are seeking additional extension in advanced research or critical thinking or computational thinking or language usage.  


Applications for semester two Year 10 enrichment electives with CHES are now open for the following electives: 

  • Critical Thinking
  • Research Matters
  • Introduction to Algorithmics

In addition, in semester 2 we are also offering a new elective that provides an introduction to VCE English Language:

  • Lingolab: Unveiling the Wonders of Real-World Language

Here is the Year 10 elective information sheet:


Applications for the Year 10 elective subjects can be made here.