Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader


Parents, carers, families and friends,


We are nearing the end of our very first term for 2024. Hopefully it has been a happy, positive and productive one for you, and your children.


Next term we have swimming to look forward to. In early May, students will be heading to Broadmeadows Leisure Centre to test their skills with all things swimming and have plenty of fun! If you would like to join, in support of your child, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher. 


Next term, we also have plenty of exciting excursions, and of course incursions joining us on site at  JSA, as well as the Canine Comprehension program continuing in the MSS. 

Students individual learning plans will be distributed shortly. Since your child’s SSG, your child’s teacher has been busy putting together student goals with your own home based goals in mind so that we can plan for a goal achieving year!


Have a restful break and we will see you ready to go in Term 2!


Room 13


Room 13 have had a lovely Term 1. We have spent time getting settled into our new classroom and the routines. Students have been learning to use their communication systems across the day to communicate their needs. They have also been re-establishing routines such as using schedules and making choices. Great job Room 13!



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