
Design and Digital Technology

Welcome back to Term 2 in Technology!


As usual we've got big dreams to chase, and lots of tools to make those happen.

In Prep students are learning to master the school nibblers, cutting and refining new creations each week. Students will get the opportunity to experience our VR headsets this term, with the opportunity to meet our VR pet Bogo and play some games with him.


In Grade 1 and 2 we are focusing on Design Processes, learning to improve our approach around the design and production of our creations.


Grade 3-6 students are taking on new challenges, with some opting to extend and existing skill, and others jumping into a new challenge and learning a who new set of skills.


The Grade 3-6 students who formed Rocket League teams in Term 1 this year will begin competing in a Tournament on Mondays during recess breaks, and over the term we will whittle down the competition to find our most talented team. 


Good Luck Everyone!



-Mr Taylor and Sooty