Physical Education and Sport

Welcome to Term 2! This term in PE, students will be participating in activities and games to learn and practise the following skills/sports:

Prep – Fundamental Motor Skills and Rolling

Grade 1/2 – Kicking and Gymnastics

Grade 3/4 – Net/Wall games and Throwing (chest pass, overarm throw)

Grade 5/6 – Net/Wall games (focusing specifically on Volleyball) and Invasion Games


Congratulations to Chelsea who competed in the Eastern Metropolitan Region Swimming Championships on March 22. Chelsea competed in the 11 girls 50m freestyle and 50m butterfly, swimming exceptionally well in both races. What an outstanding achievement to make it to this level of competition. Well done Chelsea, we are very proud of you!

Cross Country

Our School Cross Country will be run at school again this year, for all students in Prep – Grade 6. It will be held on Tuesday the 30th of April, with the first race beginning promptly at 9am. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours on this day, otherwise they can wear school uniform as normal (this is not a free dress day). 

Important Dates


Friday 19th – District Tennis (selected 5/6 students)

Tuesday 30th – Whole School Cross Country



Monday 6th – Grade 5/6 Girls AFL Gala Day (selected 5/6 girls)

Friday 24th – District Cross Country (selected 3-6 students from our School carnival)



Friday 21st - Grade 5/6 District Winter Sports Day


Kind regards,

Mel Layton

Physical Education Teacher & Sport Coordinator