School News 


Welcome back to Term 2! 

We have had a very positive start to the new school term. It was lovely to see so many beaming faces on Monday morning. The children have all settled back into the routines of school and are enjoying the new learning on offer. 


Our Investigations spaces have been reset to reflect our new learning this term. It was lovely to see how excited all the Preps were to explore these new spaces. The Rolling Hills International Airport has been very busy with lots of flights coming and going. We seem to have lots of students with the travel bug! It would be lovely for you to ask your child which space is their favourite and have them recount the different activities they can do at each different area. This will help build their oral language skills, while showing that you are taking an interest in their day. 


This term we will be growing beanstalks as part of our Inquiry Learning. Each child has planted two bean seeds into soil and will keep a journal over the coming weeks to record their observations of the changes the seed goes through in order to grow. The Prep students will need to give their beans lots of love and care to ensure they grow into healthy plants.


The Preps are also looking forward to the Zoo excursion that is coming up in two week’s time. Please ensure you keep up to date with Compass posts about the excursion as we will use this to communicate important information and reminders. If you haven not yet paid for the excursion, the due date is Wednesday 24th April. If you have any concerns around this, please contact the office as they are more than happy to assist you. If your child will not be attending, please decline the event on Compass so we can confirm our numbers with the Zoo. 


Until next time, keep smiling!

The Prep Team

Allie Harrison, Kayla Hartrick, Elyce Munnecke and Laina Brebner


Grade 1 & 2

Welcome back to Term 2! We hope you had a wonderful break full of love, adventure, and beautiful memories. It was fantastic to hear all the amazing stories about the Easter Holidays through our writing this week, using an eye-catching wow or ouch moment sizzling start.


This week we had a focus on Fiction and Non-Fiction books. Students had the opportunity to explore different text types and discuss the features to identify whether a book is Fiction or Non-fiction. 


In Maths, we were explored 2 dimensional shapes. We had a focus on features such as edges and vertices. We even had a chance to create our own 2D monsters which looked incredible. 


The Grade 1’s had time explore their new investigation space. The Grade 2’s started learning about sustainability, the world around them and how they can care for it. 


It has been great to see our lovely Grade 1 and 2 students feeling excited and ready to learn. What a great start to the term! We cannot wait to see what learning and growth is to come for Term 2. 

The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Sally Newton, Tim Huntington, Emma Wright and Veronica Paps

Grade 3 & 4

Hello to our Level 3 & 4 families!


We hope you had a lovely break over the Easter weekend and time to relax a bit throughout the last two weeks! We have already heard about some of the incredibly fun and interesting activities in our class sharing times and Holiday Reflection task. 

We are so ready for Term 2, and while it will be a longer one, it is still packed full of learning and events that promise to be a lot of fun. We of course refer to the Cross Country, and the long awaited 3/4 Camp! While we have had a lot of questions from the students so far, we will ensure all important information is communicated to families well ahead of time.


At the end of last term, we became experts in making connections – between text and ourselves, text and other texts, and text and the world. This gave us a chance to think about and talk through some of the bigger ideas in our world, like sustainability, relating to others, pollution, overuse of global resources etc. We are very deep thinkers in Year 3 & 4!


In Writing, we had a few intensive sessions focused on typing, and presenting our writing and other work on our laptops. The students really improved in such a short amount of time!


In Maths, we have started looking at angles and, so far, we have been able to find them everywhere. We are starting with right angles, but already the students are recognising acute, obtuse, and even reflex angles!


In Inquiry, we finished the term with the students having researched the ‘first contact’ between the First Fleet and following European settlement and our First Nations people. We were blown away by the hard work researching and the thoughtfulness of the students’ work – letters, diary entries and posters, as they were written as fictional first-hand accounts of those experiences.


For your information:

  • Reading Logs, Premier’s Reading Challenge login details etc. will be making their way home to you this week.
  • Spelling words will be coming home Week 2, and the new sQuizya challenges will be set.

The Level 3/4 Team

Hayley Peirce, Damien Smith, Sarah Jones, Renée Barnden & Brent Smith

Grade 5 & 6

Hello Level 5/6 Families!


We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and holiday break. It has been so lovely catching up with the children this week.


On the last day of Term 1, students in Grade 5 and 6 participated in an end of term catch up with their Buddies. Prep and Grade 5 students had a ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ and Grade 1 and Grade 6 students completed an Easter themed scavenger hunt around the school. It was so nice to see the students connecting with their buddies, chatting to them about the upcoming holidays, exchanging a card or gift and helping them read clues for the scavenger hunt. It was the perfect way to end the term and we are already excited for our next catch up!


Just a reminder to please check Compass regularly as there is some important communication regarding camp and Year 6 - Year 7 transition.


Kind Regards,

The Level 5/6 Team

Sam Younes, Mykaela Oakley, Megan Pepprell, Brendan Van Haaster, Alarna Creed and Ashleigh Wilson.