Principal Report

Dear families,


I hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter break. I have noticed that all the students have grown a few centimeters in height. After all the chocolate I feel I may have grown a few centimeters around the waist. Those Cadburys Mini Eggs add up!


Enrolments for 2025 are online this year and are open now for families to apply. If you wish to enrol a sibling into Prep for 2025 then you need to register at (due by Friday 26th July but we want to prioritise you now)


Key dates to note are:

  • Prep Information Session for new families Tuesday 7th May
  • Online application due by Friday 26th July
  • Places will be offered by Friday 9th August
  • Please accept one enrolment by Friday 23rd August

If Rolling Hills Primary is your first choice, please select Rolling Hills in first position. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. To book a tour see our website or call our office team. 


Below is a selection of useful support documents.


As the weather gets cold more families will be driving to and from school more often.


Kiss and Go is offered in the morning only after 8:30am. Anyone dropping at OSH care please make sure you have moved off by 8:30am.


After school starts, we close the gates. We are not doing this to be mean. This is to keep 394 children and their carers safe as they leave. Little people and moving cars are not safe options. Please do not park in the morning or afternoon in the ring road, even if others have. We know it is human nature to copy other people.  


Parking at drop off and pick up time is available in the streets. Yes, it is cold walking from the car, but it is the same temperature in the school when waiting with, or for, your child. The extra steps may keep you warm :)


The kind people next door at Kinder and the council are happy to have us around when we are considerate to their needs and kind with our parking choices. 


Please park on the opposite side to Kinder and please respect the council parking bays. Do not park at the entrance and wait for your child, it is not a safe spot to park and causes everyone a little bit more stress in life. 


Your help is appreciated, and I hope we can have a term of good choices. 


Working Bee 

We will be hosting two working bees prior to the Prep Information Session.


Working Bee 1 will be on Friday 3rd May at 3:40-5:00pm with the focus on cleaning and tidying the school grounds. 


Working Bee 2 will be on Saturday 4th May at 9:30-11:00am with the focus on weeding and planting the garden beds in the quad area.


We would love to see you and your children at the school supporting our community. 


What is coming up this term?

  • Prep Zoo Excursion (2nd May)
  • Grade 12 fun night and sleepover (21st June)
  • Grade 34 Camp to Camp Adanac (5-7 June)
  • Grade 56 camp to Phillip Island (27-29 May)
  • Grade 34 Art excursion to TarraWarra 
  • Grade 34 Science excursion to Quantum 
  • STOMP dance event and performance for Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. (week 3-8)
  • Grade 6 Mooroolbark College visit (23rd April)

We also have 

  • Mothers Day stall (8th May)
  • School Disco (27th June)

And sport we have:

  • Grade 56 Girls AFL Gala Day
  • School Cross Country 
  • Grade 56 Winter Sports Day 

What an amazing term of exciting events for every level!

