Teaching and Learning

That's a Wrap!
Our final session of our whole school Swimming and Water Safety program was yesterday. Our students have been very fortunate to have been provided with 8 sessions at the indoor pool in Eaglehawk, facilitated by experienced swimming instructors. We have noticed the improvement in each of our students over the course of this program. Our students not only learn swimming techniques and strokes, they also learn about rescues and how to perform them safely as well as save themselves, should they ever get into difficulty in the water. This program was provided free of charge to our families and families were even provided with bathers, googles, towels and a swimming bag.
Next term we are very excited to be incorporating weekly tennis coaching sessions into our Active Schools Program. Weekly sessions (each Friday) will begin in Week 2 and run for the entirety of Term 2. These lessons will be supervised by Raywood Staff but facilitated by an accredited coach from Milo's Tennis Coaching. Our school will fully subsidise this program so as to not burden families with costs. Just another reason why our wonderful school is quite possibly the best school in the whole entire universe!
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
I can hardly believe it is the end of Term One already. My little charges have worked hard this term across all areas of the curriculum. I have been so pleased with their commitment to reading at home and completing their phonics tasks each night. The most significant changes that I have seen is their writing stamina and ability to be creative in their writing by using unique ideas. We have had a recent focus on Persuasive Texts and I have been thoroughly convinced that spiders, bushfires, thunderstorms and dinosaurs are the scariest things as well as chow-mein, icy-poles, sausages and dim-sims are the yummiest foods. I am also led to believe that Goldilocks was a naughty girl. Below are some of the efforts by the students.
Thunder storms are the scariest thing in the whole entire WORLD!!! They cause rain and floods and wind and .... TORNADOS!!! Storms are the most scariest thing. If you come by a thunderstorm, get out of there.
YUMMY by Stevie
The yummiest food in the universe is the red icy-pole. They are sweet. On a hot day they cool you down. Red icy-poles are sweet, nice and crunchy. They melt in your throat.
Chow-mein tastes fabulous. It is juicy and warm, just right for Winter. It is soft and a bit spicy. It smells nice. If you like spice you will enjoy it. Chow-mein tingles in your mouth and it is a bit crunchy. It sounds nice when you chew it.
Naughty Goldilocks broke the chair and made little bear cry. She was sleeping in the baby bear's bed. She ate the porridge and then ran into the forest.
We have also been working hard in Mathematics. The students loved creating their own
creatures based on their favourite 3D shape. Lucian (right) is as proud as punch with his triangular pyramid man.
The students have also been hard at work in the areas of Number and Algebra. Last week the Year 1/2 students made equivalent sums and showed their equivalence by balancing them on a see-saw. Our wonderful Preppie, worked hard on matching numbers to 12 with collections.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
I can't believe we are already at the end of Term one. Boy have we been busy in the 3-6
room. Our Body System display has come to completion and the girls are very proud of the different formats they have chosen to represent each system.
In Math we have been working on adding and subtracting both mentally and using written equations, we have finalised the physical measuring by delving into capacity and relating it to area and have been using technology and 3D shapes to design our own 3D printable ornaments.
Reading continues to vary from day to day with more focus lately going toward building fluency. This has led to different reading activates and chances to provide each other feedback.
In writing we have been using our new knowledge of body systems to write information reports with a twist. The kids love gaining inspiration from other authors to help weave their own story and information together and create unique writing samples.
Art News from Miss Duffy
Our students have used their knowledge of line and pattern (our theme for Term 1 Visual Arts) to create these beautiful abstract Easter Bunnies. These are currently on display in our main building and brighten up everyone's day as they walk past.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
We celebrated World Poetry Day by writing some ACROSTIC poems on leaves to go on our ‘Poe-tree!’ Students also created some black out poetry using pages from deleted books. They did a fabulous job!
Easter Learning
We have been very fortunate to be visited by Mrs Audrey Felini to talk to our students about the origins and significance of Easter. Mrs Felini works hard at preparing craft resources and brings in artefacts to share the Story of Easter with our students. As you can see from the picture below, our students are totally engaged with the sessions. Our students will have three sessions with Mrs Felini.
Yesterday our students worked collaboratively to make Easter Nests. The best part is that they were edible! We can confirm that there was plenty of practical Numeracy involved with calculating measurements, estimating portions and doubling the recipe.