From the Office

News From the Principal
End of Term
Here we are at the end of Term 1. I would like to wish all of our students, staff, families and community a very happy and safe Easter break and school holidays. Term Two is already shaping up to be busy one, but full of exciting learning opportunities for each of our students.
Term 2 commences on Monday April 15th.
We will operate our pie-warmer each school day of Terms 2 and 3. Students may bring
along any items that can be heated up, these should be wrapped in foil or in a foil container (no plastic or cans please). In the past we have not only had pastry items heated up but toasted sandwiches, pasta and rice dishes, left over roast dinners and pizza.
Did someone say pie drive ?
We are holding a pie drive as a fundraiser (with all proceeds going toward the construction materials for our new sandpit). We have sent home order forms with each family and also have copies in the Raywood Post Office. There is also a flyer attached to the Community Page in this edition of the Newsletter. Please ask friends and family if they would like to order some yummy goodies from the famous Bridgewater Bakehouse and help support our school. With the colder weather due to hit, these will make excellent additions to your freezer and what a good idea for our Term 2 pie- warmer. Please contact Lisa or Bree if you have any questions, need additional order forms or for any other pie related matters!
A visit from our littlest friends
On Monday we were very excited to host our friends from the Raywood Playgroup. Our senior students each worked with a playgroup child to help them make a set of bunny ears and a small basket. We then went on a hunt to see what had been "delivered" to our new playground. The playgroup children then stayed for a snack and morning recess.
Cluster Cross Country
Our Campaspe Small Schools have their Cross-Country Event on Wednesday May 8th. This event is held at the Elmore Field Days site and is for all year levels. Permissions will be sent out early next term. Spectators are most welcome (actually encouraged as the kids get a real kick from being cheered on from the sidelines). We are hoping to arrange staff and parent transport to and from the event to save the costs on bus travel and paying a bus driver to wait for the day. Please let Lisa know if you are able to help out with transport or are planning on driving your own child/ren to and from this event.
A reminder that ANZAC Day is a public holiday and therefore there is no school on this
day. ANZAC Day falls on Thursday April 25th (which is the second week of Term 2). We will be holding our traditional student-led ANZAC Ceremony here at school on Wednesday April 24th beginning at 10.45am. Families and community members are most welcome to attend and we invite you to come and have a light morning tea with us following the ceremony.
Food Share
Our two Year Six Leaders travelled over to East Loddon on Monday afternoon to pack the community food hampers. Each of our families received a box of goodies. We are very grateful to the support that the East Loddon Food Share group offers our school and wider Raywood Community via these termly hampers as well as the open days in our stadium each month.
Thank you also to Bree for transporting our Year Six girls to East Loddon on Monday.
School Council News
On Monday night we held our AGM as well as our regular March Meeting. I am very pleased to announce that Jarrod Blake will remain the President of the 2024 Raywood Primary School Council with Lisa Tierney (Ashley) as the Vice President. Bree Blake remains the Treasurer and Hayden Collins will be the Minute Taker (he will kill me if I refer to him as "secretary").
Smile Squad
Smile Squad visited our school this week, and saw most of our students. Smile Squad have been communicating with families directly with regard any follow-ups or recommendations for future dental treatments. I know from the families I have spoken with that you are all very appreciative of this service being available free of charge and accessible from school.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy