A Spotlight on Learning
A Spotlight on Learning in the MLC on Heights Campus
Such an action packed last few weeks for the wonderful students in the MLC on the Heights Campus! The students have been busy engaging in many exciting learning opportunities such as refining their culinary skills during the Kitchen/Garden Program, learning about ICT online cyber safety, discussing the importance of students bringing healthy food to school to promote a well-balanced and nutritious diet, as well as each homegroup understanding the importance of an Acknowledgment of Country and working collaboratively to write and design their own.
The Grade 3 students recently took part in their very first NAPLAN assessments for Reading, Writing, Language Conventions and Numeracy. A massive congratulations to all of the Grade 3 students on their hard work and incredible effort in completing these tests. The MLC teachers are extremely proud of you.
In reading, the MLC students have been making connections while reading by drawing on their prior knowledge and experiences with their chosen text. The students have made connections between the text and themselves, the text and another text as well as the text and the world around them to help them better understand and create a deeper comprehension of the text being read.
In Mathematics, the students have been exploring and broadening their knowledge of shapes by naming and describing the features of 2D shapes such as corners and sides, and 3D objects such as vertices, edges and faces. Amongst the lessons on shape, the students thoroughly enjoyed using matchsticks and Blu Tack to create their own 3D shape (a prism or pyramid) and then identify the features of their shape.
In Writing, the MLC students delved into writing a recount about a science experiment they conducted in class. The students carefully followed a procedure to make their own bubble wand and mixture, then planned, drafted and wrote about their experience which included an orientation, sequence of events and a conclusion. The students had an absolute blast creating their own bubbles then having the opportunity to write about their experience.
Mrs Jane McMahon
MLC Learning Centre Leader
(Heights Campus)