From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Heights Campus)
Highlights from Heights Campus
NAPLAN, Auskick & Lunchtime clubs .. its all happening on Heights Campus!
If you have a child in Grade 3 or 5 you will be well aware that over the last week they have been completing NAPLAN assessments. The word NAPLAN is an acronym for, National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy. As the name suggests it is a literacy and numeracy assessment, which is completed by students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.
Our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students are not the only ones who have been busy this term completing formal assessments. Across the school students have completed assessments such as the Maths Online Interview, English Online Interview and PM reading assessments.
These assessments not only provide a valuable snap shot of students’ strengths but also a wealth of data that can be analysed to show future areas for development. Teachers use this information to help plan and design their programs so they can deliver curriculum which targets students at their point of need. This is just one of the many ways our teachers strive to ensure every student at Springvale Rise achieves their potential.
Our students have many opportunities to build their social skills during lunchtime clubs. Whether they love Lego, yoga or creating friendship bracelets there is a club for everyone. Most clubs run once a week however during Ramadan, we also have daily prayer club.
It’s great to see our students working together and developing their creative talents.
Lets not forget the awesome AusKick sessions that have been running after school on Thursdays. Students have been having heaps of fun learning new AFL skills. Students are organised into age based groups and rotate through different games and activities run by the Auskick coaches.
If your child is part of the Auskick fun please remember to sign them in and out of each session. Also note that the last session will be held on Thursday March 28th which is the last day of school this term; due to the early finish time on the last day, Auskick will finish at 3:40pm
At the City of Greater Dandenong Children’s Forum last year, Council’s Sustainability team ran a ‘Create Your Climate Superhero!’ workshop. Students from different schools were invited to design a superhero to stop climate change, and consider aspects including their identity, special eco-powers, their superhero’s motivation, the look of their cape, their main goal for the environment as well as the actions that will help their superhero reach their goal. We were very excited to recently get the news that our very own Serena Oo’s design of her ‘Plastic Power Superhero’ was one of the two designs that were chosen to be 'cartoonified' by the graphic designer and will be used in the Council’s Sustainability campaigns. Congratulations Serena!
Have a lovely last week of term!
Kind regards,
Mrs Sarah Orme Assistant Principal
(Heights Campus)