
Performing Arts
Term 1 Recap from the Performing Arts Captains
Hello Wonga Park families,
We are the Performing Arts Captains, Rheya, Maple, Harper and Ariella and we would like to inform you of what we have been doing based on the Performing Arts this term.
Lately, we have been holding a Performing Arts Club for the 5/6s each Wednesday, called 'Time to Shine', for people who are passionate about drama, singing and dancing. This club is basically about doing a bunch of fun games and activities to strengthen our skills and abilities to master the arts. All of us have a strong suit in a type of performing arts which we specialise in to make the club more fun.
But holdup!
We have some important news for Grade 3/4 and Prep families! We are going to be holding Prep sessions and Grade 3/4 sessions in the 'Time to Shine' Performing Arts Club in Term Two! Be sure to ask your children if they would like to join!
Other exciting events have included starting rehearsals for the VSSS (Victorian State School Spectacular) for Grade 5/6s. We have also had the Performing Arts expression, where some of the Grade 5/6s went on a trip to the city to go to ACMI and to see Wicked the musical. It was a such a fun experience and it is sure be a highlight of the year for all of those who went on the excursion.
Thank you for reading this!
As part of the 'Expressions' program, 51 Grade Five and Six students enjoyed a memorable excursion to the city. They visited ACMI at Federation Square and the Regent Theatre to watch the professional musical, Wicked. At ACMI, they had the opportunity to engage with two interactive exhibitions; 'Works of Nature' and 'The Story of the Moving Image'. The students were enthralled at Wicked, watching the story come to life with live music and performances, as well as all the design elements and special effects. Another highlight for many of the students was the choc top at interval!
It was a day filled with new experiences and shared moments, fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts and what the city of Melbourne has to offer. We were so proud of the way that the students represented the school on this excursion.
Below are some photos: