From the Classrooms


Last week, Prep students celebrated a wonderful first term at school by having a Prep assembly under the oak tree on a beautiful, autumn afternoon. At this assembly, students were presented with a special certificate to acknowledge their first term, and to thank them for being a special part of our Prep community. 

Prep A
Prep A
Prep B
Prep B
Prep C
Prep C


Our Prep students also enjoyed their first Cyber Safety project visit from Trent and Kristy. At this session, students learnt about how to stay safe online by using the acronym S-T-O-P (see the image below to see what this means!) A highlight was when Pevan and Sarah called during the session and taught us a song about how to stay safe. Ask your child and see if they can remember how it goes!


Grade 3 & 4

Our Special Community Day - Term 2 

The 3/4 team are excited to welcome families and members of the community into our school to showcase our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program and raise money through the sale of 3/4 recipe book to purchase new supplies for this program.


On Friday the 19th of April (week 1, term 2), the 3/4 students will be inviting families and members of the community into our special community day. Students from 3/4 worked in teams to plan and create a recipe book, fliers, decorations and will prepare all of the food that will be shared on the day. Below are the amazing newsletter articles our newsletter team developed along with a wonderful scavenger hunt exploring the garden!


From our Junior News Reporting Team Lucy T, Harper M, Tara W, Iliana Mc, Maddy W &  Ingrid P 


What's Happening? Harper M, 4B

On our special community day we will be welcoming families and members of the Wonga Park community into our school to share our favourite recipes from Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. On the day you will be able to buy the 3/4 recipe book which is a collection of recipes that the 3/4 students have put together to raise money to buy new things for the S.A.K.G program (the recipe book are $25.00 each)


Writing by Iliana Mc 3/4C and Ariella P 3/4C

The 3/4's have made a recipe book that all the 3/4 students have collected. There will be recipes for you to make like ice cream, smoothies and lots of savoury things!


Scavenger Hunt by Ingrid P 3B and Tara W 4A

Sneak peek photos from our amazing scavenger hunt! You will need to wait for the day to see the clues!

Student writing for the Newsletter.

Important Dates For Term 2

*Community Day Friday 24th of April at 2:30pm

*Grade 3 Camp Information Night  Thursday 23rd April



Grade 5 & 6