Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

It is hard to believe we are at the end of Term 1 already.  A huge thank you to our teachers and support staff for the amazing job they do every day for our students and families.  We wish Mr Ben White all the very best as he takes the next two terms to travel, teach and play cricket in the UK. 

Congratulations to our wonderful students for the effort they have shown, not only in their learning but by being great friends and contributing members of their learning community.  And thank you to our families for being great partners in your child's learning. Your support, involvement and encouragement is always greatly appreciated.  


Celebrating as a Community

It was fantastic to see our community come together for the Colour Run last night. Thank you to all of our families, and past and present students, who supported the event.  Over $15,000 was raised on the night which will help us begin our Creative Play Space Project next term. Thank you also for supporting our Colour Run BBQ - $1200 was raised for our  local Wonga Park CFA!


Student Leaders

This week we saw our 2024 Student Leaders receive their badges at our special assembly.  We were fortunate to have Councillor Carli Lange, who is also the Manningham Mayor, present the badges to our students and inspire our young leaders with her thoughts about what makes a great leader. Congratulations to all of our 2024 Student Leaders.                                     

Term 1 Progress Reports and Interviews

Parents will receive the Term 1 Progress Reports for their child/children today.  This will give parents information about how their child is going both academically and socially. Parents will also receive a link today to book a face-to-face interview with the classroom teacher(s) in Week 1 of Term 2.  The interview will provide an opportunity to discuss the report in more detail and find out how parents can partner with the school to support student learning.


Curriculum Days - Friday, April 26th

Our next curriculum day on  Friday April 26th, will have a focus on school priorities - explicit teaching and phonics & word knowledge. Please note this is a pupil-free day.  Their Care will be offering all-day care for families who require this service.


Term 2 

This week our level teams have all had a whole day planning day together to map our the learning for Term 2.  We are very excited about the next Big Idea of 'Country'.  Students across the school will be exploring the significance of Country for our First Nations people and learning more about their rich culture and stories.  It will also incorporate Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week activities.  We are hoping that there will be opportunities to work with local Wurundjeri Elders and visit places of local significance.


Final Assembly & Easter Egg Raffle

A huge thank you to our families for your wonderful support of our Easter egg raffle.  Your donations were greatly appreciated.  There was much excitement as we drew the 89 prizes at the final assembly!  The raffle has raised over $2600 which will also go towards the creative play space project.  Thank you for your generous support!   


Fathers Of The Oak

Exciting news for our dads ..... we are about to re-launch our Fathers Of The Oak initiative again in Term 2!  This initiative is part of the Fathering Project, a nationwide program to support dads to connect with each other and with their kids. Our dads only events are a chance for our dads to get to know each other, while our dads and kids events are a great way for dads to have fun with their kids. The first event is a dads only event at the Sporting Globe Chirnside Park on April 24th at 6:00pm. Please register your interest at the following link


Special Footy Day Lunch

Put the date in your diary!  The Footy Day lunch event will be held on Wednesday 24th April with the Grade 6 students helping with this fundraiser. The money raised will go towards one of the student priorities - the building of a Gaga Pit!  Orders will be taken via TryBooking - the link will be published in week 1.


ANZAC Day Assembly

Our ANZAC  Day assembly will be held on the first day back for students in Term 2 - Wednesday 24th April at 9:00am.  Parents are welcome to attend this special assembly.


 We look forward to seeing our students back for Term 2 starting on Monday 15th April.


Thank you again for a great Term 1. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter and holiday break. 

Best wishes
