Important Notices

Athletics Day

On the final day of term 1 (Thursday 28th March), we will be running our annual Athletics Day here at SKiPPS.


The Athletics Day will start straight after morning assembly. Students will be running, jumping, hurdling, throwing, shot-putting, egg and spoon racing, sack racing and lots of other active and fun events.


  • Our Foundation - Year 2 students will compete in the park area at the back of the school from 9:30 - 10:40am. 
  • Our Year 3-6 students will complete their activities on the oval at the side of the school all morning - 9:30am - 1pm.

Groups will rotate around different events with their teachers and we require some parent, carer, friend volunteers to work at each event as a measurers, timers, recorders and general support.


This is a really fun event and a way to finish the term with a bang! We hope you can help us out by signing up.  sign up to help at 

Ride to School Day

SKiPPS will be celebrating Ride2School Day on Wednesday 27th March


There will be a fun bike circuit for students to complete with their class on the day using the school grounds. Please support your child to bring their bike or scooter with them to school on this day (remembering a helmet).

All students will get to enjoy a fruit and veggie platter thanks to the Active Travel Team at the City of Port Phillip.


You may even get the chance to ride the smoothie bike and enjoy a fresh smoothie before school.


Many thanks to SKiPPA for also supporting the event.



Not only is active travel good for your health, it’s good for the environment too! Riding, walking, scooting or skating to school means there are fewer cars on the road, which results in a;


  • Reduction in noise pollution
  • Reduction in energy use
  • Reduction in carbon emissions

For every kilometre you actively travel instead of driving, you save 243.8 grams of carbon emissions. But what does that actually mean?


On National Ride2School Day in 2023, students across Australia saved 29 tonnes of CO2 by actively travelling to school – the equivalent of planting 202 trees. That’s only one day. Imagine if we did that every day of the school year. Over a year we’d save more than 5,700 tonnes of CO2 – the equivalent of planting 40,000 trees!


New Beehive location needed

At the end of last year we were excited to receive a flow hive and some buzzy inhabitants as a part of our kitchen garden program. The hive and bees were funded by a $1000 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant.



Sadly, as we now have a member of our school who has an anaphylactic reaction to bee stings, we have been advised to find a new location of the hive, off school premises.


We are therefore asking our school community whether any nearby families, relatives or workplaces might have a spot that the hive could be moved to. A garden, back yard or even a flat, accessible rooftop would be ideal.


Ideally this would be close to the school so we can continue to look after the hive and, when the time comes, harvest the honey for our kitchen garden sessions.


Anybody willing to host the hive would receive training and equipment to allow them to join our 'bee team' and payment in the way of beautiful local honey when the time is right.


The hive itself is very small and, once the bees are installed and settled, there is very little activity around the hive. We would help with fencing, gates and whatever else is required to make this project a success in its new location.


Please reach out to Neil if you think you can help.


Save the Date - Mother's and Special Persons Lunch on Friday May 10th.  

Please pop this date in your calendars! There will be more details about this exciting event coming soon.  

Curriculum Day - Friday 22nd March

A reminder that we will be taking a curriculum day on Friday 22nd March. 


The noise and disruption caused by the Grand Prix means that this is not a great day to be at school and so our staff will be working offsite with Narissa Leung on the teaching of Writing.


Team Kids will be running a (noisy) full-day program at the school on this day.

Reminder to return your library books

As we are nearing the end of the term, please ensure that any books borrowed from the school library are returned as soon as possible.  

School Council Meeting


Our next meeting is at 6:30pm on Wednesday 27th March.


This meeting is our Council AGM and also the presentation of the 2023 Annual Report to the School Community. At this meeting the new Council will meet for the first time and office-bearers (President, Vice-President and Treasurer) will be elected.


All community members are welcome to attend this meeting (and all Council meetings). The meeting will be held in the school staffroom.

Life after SKIPPS...

For those families with students in Year 5 & 6, you may be thinking about where your child will be taking their next steps in their educational journey.  Our neighbouring high schools have already begun welcoming families through their schools this year, and encourage you to join a School Tour or Open Day to experience their school environment in action. 


Prahran High School

Book A School Tour | Enrolment | Prahran High School


Elwood College

School Tours - Elwood College


Albert Park College

Albert Park College | Open Day

Robotics and Chess in Term 2 - enrol online now!