Wellbeing Update

It’s been a very full term 1 and the holidays are almost here!

Last week we celebrated International Women’s Day by treating the girls to a purple donut. We will do something for the boys later in the year. 

This week is Diversity week and we celebrated Harmony day on Tuesday this week by having a staff vs students soccer match, and activities such as painting rocks, jewels and temporary tattoos at lunchtime. 

In the first week of Term 2, there will be an Empower group commencing for Year 7 students. The focus in this group will be managing anxiety and provoding strategies



We hope all students and families have a safe and restful break.

Harmony Day

On Tuesday 19th March, we celebrated Harmony Day with lunchtime activities: body art, staff vs students soccer match and rock painting. It was great to see so many students get involved a wear their touch of orange!

P.A.R.T.Y On Program - The Alfred Hospital

This 2.5-hour program will run from 5:30pm to 8:00pm on Tuesday 23rd April  2024 with a combination of video, demonstrations and live presentations with Alfred Health clinicians, first responders, allied Health and a past Alfred trauma patient. The program operates on the principle of proactive education, providing participants with real-life scenarios and interactive experiences that underscore the importance of safety, responsible decision-making, and the consequences of risky behaviours. By addressing issues such as impaired driving, substance abuse, and injury prevention head-on, we strive to educate young Victorians to make positive choices and avoid potentially life-threatening situations. Visits to the trauma clinical areas will be included (patient/workload dependent on the night).

Previous feedback from other sessions has demonstrated that we are getting our message across to those age groups at risk

“It was a really eye opening experience. I like that it was in person and that we did still get specialists to talk to us. All speakers and demonstrations were amazing and I was engaged the whole time”


“The program was wonderful, very inspirational, eye opening as a 20 year old. Highly recommend the continuation of this program and I would recommend it to those aged around 14-18 at school”.


“I really enjoyed the presentation today and I think it really benefited me in recognising some of the risk taking behaviours which can put us in dangerous positions without us realising. I also really appreciate having specialists from a different field coming in and it gave me confidence in calling 000 next time in situations when I am unsure as I always think it is something scary to do previously. Thanks for having me today and it was a very great experience”


For more information please click on the link below and feel free to pass the details on to those you think maybe  interested;


Camps, Sports and Excursion's Fund

Applications close:  28th June 2024

Application Form: 

Our Inclusion Team for 2024


Inclusive Practices Learning Specialist: Shona Scorringe


Located in the Red Building

Monday - Friday




Inclusion Support: Georgie Barker

Located in the Red Building

Monday - Friday





PSD Coordinator, Inclusion Support: Kerryn Cramp  

Located in the Red Building

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday





Wellbeing Contacts:

Pastoral Care

College Chaplain: Jenny Eastwood 

Located in the Grey building 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


  • Pastoral Care: Students, staff, parents
  • Loss and Grief 
  • Management and Referrals – MHP/TGP
  • Mentoring Programs – GROW, RAISE, etc. 



Health Promotion Nurse: Lisa Cooper 

Located in the Purple/Grey building

Monday & Tuesday


  • Classroom support: sexual health, cyber health, and special programs/activities – Idahobit, diversity, etc. 
  • Individual health support for students
  • Implements and leads supporting health programs – i.e., ‘Docs and Teens’
  • COG & Batforce liaison 
  • Staff first aid training and other related professional learning

Mental Health Practitioner: Jordy Morgan

Located in the Admin building

Monday - Friday


Jordy has experience working with young people and adults who are experiencing a range of mental health or social difficulties. 

  • Counselling support to young people, individually and in group settings
  • Support students to connect with external services
  • Promote mental health awareness and prevention


Engagement and Wellbeing Co-ordinator: Torrie Pugliese

Located in Purple/Grey Building

Tuesday - Friday





Barwon Community Legal Service

Located in the Purple/Grey Building

Mondays & Fridays


  • Classroom programs

We are here to help students understand their legal rights and responsibilities. 


Koorie Engagement Support Officer: Sarah Upton

0421 780 718 


Sarah is a proud Gunditjmara woman who has been living in beautiful Wadawurrung country for 4 years and has been involved in the education system for several years as a generalist teacher. She has always been passionate about Koorie students achieving high outcomes during their education journey.  Sarah feels fortunate to be working as a Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) within her local Aboriginal community. She is a lifelong learner and firmly believe that education is essential to building solid foundations to empower students and their families have a voice and allow them to make positive independent strong choices to benefit them in the future which will allow them to feel like they can be the best version of themselves and contribute to society in a positive manner. 



Engagement and Wellbeing

Learning Community Leaders: 

7: Marli McCarthy & Brent Watson 

8: Annie Flood & Ben Joustra 

9: Joseph McArlein 

10: Lucas Wintels & Rachel Daly

11: Claire Sullivan

12: Brett Bullock 

  • Supporting students in the relevant community with a focus on attendance, engagement and wellbeing.
  • Leading the implementation of SWPBS and Berry Street.
  • Contact point with students, families and mentors.



If you are worried about your child, or any person and their mental health and well-being outside school hours or during weekends you can contact the Barwon Health Mental Health Triage for urgent support 24/7 on 1300 094 187.


Two important messages to promote are that all of us should seek help from others when we feel down or vulnerable and that young people should tell an adult if they are worried about a friend or themselves.


Please find the following helpful numbers and websites to keep us connected and provide the support necessary to maintain positive mental and physical health: 




  • Lifeline – call 13 11 14 for this free Australia-wide crisis support service which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days per week OR TEXT: 0477 13 11 14 between 6pm – midnight, 7 nights a week
  • Kids Help Line call 1800 55 1800 for free counselling and advice for young people between the ages of five and 25.
  • Headspace – eHeadspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. (Open 9am-1am daily.
  • Reachout – visit their website for information, tools and support for young people with mental health issues.
  • Alcohol and drug foundation – free health advice for young people on alcohol and drug use, including mental health.
  • Beyond Blue1300 22 4636 https://beyondblue.org.au (Phone support all day, every day. Online support 3pm-midnight every day).
  • Suicide Callback Service 1300 659 467. Phone support all day, every day, and follow-up calls.

Good self-care practices are important in taking care of ourselves and our mental health. Remember, it is ok to ask for help. Take care of yourself, and each other and do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our wellbeing team in our school community if you need some additional support.