Term 1

Year 10 

Outdoor Education

Mountain Bike Riding

On Thursday 14th March the Year 10 Environmental Studies class headed to the You Yangs to engage in some mountain biking. We were blessed with the weather and were able to have everyone participate and enjoy our time out there. Some uphill and downhill but luckily enough we came home with everyone in one piece. 



On Monday 18th March the Year 10 Environmental Studies class headed to Ocean Grove to engage in a surf session. On what was a borderline perfect day, we were also blessed with perfect waves for students to learn how to surf. The students were again fantastic and all had a great time, with most managing to stand up for the first time. 

Year 11

State Library Excursion

On Tuesday the 12th March, 2024, 12 students were invited to participate in a tour of the State Library of Victoria to broaden our understandings of how a library operates and an understanding of what a library is. The tour guides, Luke and Robyn, showed us how the earliest newspapers were kept in an orderly fashion since 1836.

The library has 11 kilometres of book shelving underneath the building. Luke and Robyn showed us all the different study spaces, one being the silent dome room named after William La Trobe, and the second room named after the founder of the State Library, Redmond Barry. Our guides also showed us the types of portrait paintings they displayed. Moreover, there are over 8 million items stored around the library. 

To finish off the tour, they sent everyone on a scavenger hunt around the rooms where each group had to answer questions about their assigned room. Everyone of us had a ton of fun and enjoyed learning about Ned Kelly in the Redmond Barry Reading Room.

By Ella, Jake, Bella and Seb (Y11).