Assistant Principal's Message

Colour Run - Friday 6th December
We are so excited to finally be able to have our school Colour Run! Students are encouraged to wear WHITE. Please see the timetable below that outlines the day.
9:00-9:15am | Assembly (mark roll, hats, excursion bag, drink bottles, lunch, toilet) |
9:30-10:00am | Walk to Burrows Park (Crunch&Sip) |
10:00-11:00am | Activities/Rotation with teachers (tug o war, hoops, egg and spoon, hurdles, sack races etc) |
11:00-11:30am | Recess (11:00-11:20 free play 11:20-11:30 eating) |
11:30-12:30pm | Colour Run (P & F) - Teachers to supervise class |
12:30 - 1:15pm | Lunch (12:30-1:00pm free play, 1:00-1:15 eating) |
1:30-2:30pm | Walk to Clovelly Beach - Sandcastle building and ice blocks |
2.30pm | Walk back to school (Parents permitted to take children home from Clovelly Beach) |
Amadeus Instrument Demonstration - Yr 2
It was fantastic to see the Year 2 Students sit so engrossed watching a few of the Yr 3 - 6 students demonstrate their Amadeus Instruments. The Year 2 Students listened to each of the instruments being played and they were given a sheet that needed to be completed by circling 3 instruments that they would like to learn. Students that walk to or from school were told to choose a smaller instrument unless mum or dad could drive them to school on a Wednesday. The photos say it all on how much the students enjoyed the lesson.
Matilda Fans!
These 2 huge Matilda’s fans, Mirabel and Charli, had the honour of meeting and listening to 2 Matilda’s hall of famers, Julie Murray and Leigh Wardell. As well as brilliant up and coming players Ella Buchanan, Maddie Caspers and Shay Hollman. Such an inspiration to our young girls. Players young and old were interviewed by Alex from the Today Show and Dr Jana Pittman. The Matilda’s were supporting Giving Day at The Royal Hospital for Women.
Marie Iorfino
Assistant Principal