Principal's Message

2025 Student Leadership Team
Leadership is integral to lifelong learning. All students in their final year of primary school need to be given the opportunity to demonstrate and develop leadership skills. Positive student leadership opportunities and experiences will facilitate the transition to secondary school and the world beyond. On Wednesday 11 December the year 5 children will go through the process of selecting the 2025 Student Leadership Team.
Special attention is given to the leadership development of each Year 6 student. As the senior class, the example of these students has a huge impact on the younger students. For this reason, all Year 6 students take responsibility for leading school prayer and assemblies and are involved in a school leadership committee. They also have the chance to achieve the Pope Francis Award by doing service in the school, parish and wider community.
These positions are very important and are highly regarded within the school community. STA has a set of criteria and expectations for leadership positions within the school, as students holding leadership positions in Year 6 will be ambassadors for our school and role models to our students. We look forward to seeing our potential leaders deliver their speeches.
Here is an excerpt from our school Student Leadership Policy about these important leadership roles.
- to provide opportunities for students to make a valuable and significant leadership contribution in the life of St Anthony’s School
- to provide an opportunity for students to become responsible student leaders to develop a nurturing and positive environment for all students
- to ensure that student leaders are positive role models for other students
- to create a whole school community where every member feels their contribution is valuable
- model, value and promote the principles: Confident Individuals. Creative Minds. Connected Learners
- live the SPBL expectations: Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible.
- Personal Qualities: co-operation, personal appearance, manners and honesty
- take forward the needs, views and suggestions of the students
- report to the school community
- promote a hospitable and welcoming school environment
- wear the school uniform with pride
- be keen to be of service to the community
Leadership Positions
The number of positions may vary year to year, depending on the numbers within the cohort.
Roles and responsibilities for2025
School Captains | 2 |
SRC Captains | 2 |
Nagle Captains | 2 |
Padua Captains | 2 |
MacKillop Captains | 2 |
Creative & Practical Arts (CAPA) Captains | 2 |
Environmental Captains | 2 |
Lunchtime Club Captains | 4 |
Library Leaders | 2 |
Year 6 Career Talks and Workshops
Year 6 students have been fortunate to host several visitors who shared insights about their professions. Recently, Mr Hamish Frazer spoke about his experiences in the Australian Navy, providing a fascinating glimpse into military life. Miss Christina conducted a valuable session on breathing and stretching techniques, highlighting how these practices can help manage stress. Mr Randy Prado discussed his journey as an entrepreneur in IT, emphasising how his role has evolved over time. Ms Alice Hartley an emergency nurse shared her experiences and insights about the life-saving work she does every day.
All our speakers underscored the importance of continuous learning and adapting to changes in their careers. Looking ahead, we are excited to welcome business professionals, and staff who will offer tips on preparing for high school.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who have generously shared their stories with Year 6.
Kindergarten Orientation Sessions
On the 7th and 14th of November, we held two successful kindergarten orientation sessions. These sessions were designed to introduce parents and children to our school community and covered a variety of important topics: SCECS: Information on before and after school care, as well as vacation care, School Wide Pedagogy: Our teaching approach, Parent School Partnership, Stages K-6, Curriculum Overview: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, School Wide Positive Behaviours for Learning, Wellbeing Program: U R Strong and Kindergarten Timetable.
We also had presentations from our School Captains, getting ready for school and supporting transition to school. Additionally, parents enjoyed watching the A Day of Kindergarten video.
A special thanks to our Parents & Friends President, Adam Bartlett, for his support and involvement.
The class of 2025 spent time with their Year 5 buddies, listening to stories and doing crafts. We look forward to seeing the kindergarten children in 2025!
SCECS Vacation Care Program - December to January 2025
Exciting Holiday Activities and Outings with SCECS!
We would like to announce that SCECS has organised a fantastic selection of activities and outings for the upcoming December and January holidays. These events are designed to provide fun and engaging experiences for all children.
Don't miss out! Be sure to bookyour spot early to secure a place for your child in these exciting activities.
Languages - results from survey
We are thrilled to share the results of our recent survey on the teaching of Spanish at St Anthony’s. We received an impressive 73 responses, and we are grateful for your valuable feedback.
Based on your input, we are excited to announce that we will continue offering Spanish classes in 2025. These classes will be conducted face-to-face once a week, providing our students with an engaging and interactive learning experience.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to another successful year of language learning! Hola!
Comments from parents:
I'm interested in language lessons that are part of the curriculum. My children do several activities after school and there's no time to take on an additional one.
I support the option for face to face language instruction, in particular Spanish for younger children to build on lessons delivered remotely, and as it is a Latin language, so may be easier to pick up. My preference is for before school lessons, when children are not tired/hungry, but appreciate that lunchtime may make it more accessible for most families.
Happy for before or after school Mandarin
I am interested to know why Sydney Catholic Schools will no longer fund the cost of Spanish lessons, what is the basis of their decision? Could you please confirm. I agree foreign languages are extremely important to learn for the reasons you cite. However I would say only Years 5 & 6 really need to be involved. I think you should continue with Spanish to have some consistency. Spanish ia a language more suited to primary aged children. Also I really think languages need to be taught in person.
Take up obviously based on day/time etc
In-person probably better than online for student engagement.
I support the payment for a Spanish teacher.
I am happy to continue with Spanish in 2025.
We will be happy to have Mandarin before or after school
Hi, would there be interest in Italian?
My child has had Spanish in the last 2 years. I hear simple words at home and am impressed at the learning. Therefore a Spanish teacher (in person) would be ideal.
Could Greek be an option??
What happened to French with madame coco? Kids loved it and Learnt a lot. Online has not worked at all. Kids are not engaged and have not learnt much at all.
Disappointed that Catholic Schools not thinking progressively about supporting languages.
Ideally would prefer languages taught during school time and are Pacific and relevant such as Mandarin, Japanese, or Korean
I am not a fan of online language lessons. My child says that it’s always glitching and it’s hard for him to learn anything from it. Thank you for consulting with the parents and asking our opinion with this.
I’d like a language to be taught during school hours. I’d like to understand where SCS is investing the funding instead of languages.
Disappointing that the Catholic education no longer recognizes the value of multiple languages
That is a reasonable amount to pay so that my child learns another language. We only speak English at home.
I believe learning languages is vital to broader education and opening the children's eyes to the rest of the world and different cultures. Would love for this to stay as part of the core curriculum.
It is important to learn a language at a young age and be consistent in the learning process so i think we should persist with Spanish if we can.
I think it’s really important for the children to be exposed to different languages and cultures. Learning a second language as young as possible Is best for developing brains and I would really like to keep the Spanish going or even going back to French but ideally to have some consistency with the language.
Unfortunately, if I have to pay for language classes, I’d prefer to pay for an Italian tutor for my children. It’s such a shame language is not covered by the Sydney Catholic schools
I like the idea of a Spanish teacher coming into the school to teach my children. Its a yes from me.
I learnt French at school and can still say a few words. I am so happy for my child to continue Spanish to expose them to another culture and language.
Semester 2 - 2024 Student Reports
Classroom teachers are completing a range of assessments with their classes over these weeks of Term 4 and will shortly be writing the Semester 2 Student Reports. We plan to have the Semester 2 Student Reports available online via the Compass Portal on Friday 6 December 2024.
Remembrance Day
Last week we were privileged to be part of our Remembrance Day service. Every year at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, millions around the world pause in silence to remember the sacrifices many have made so we can enjoy life today. This is a very important day across the globe and a tradition our school continues to uphold. Well done to Year 4 who led such a beautiful service.
A special commendation goes to Year 5 for leading such a beautiful and heartfelt service. Your dedication and poise truly honoured the significance of the day.
Ode of Remembrance
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget
ThinkUKnow Presentation for Parents
Thank you to the parents who attended the recent ThinkUKnow Australia presentation.
ThinkUKnow Australia, a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom, and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, is delivered in collaboration with various policing partners and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia. The presentation, led by an industry volunteer, covered important topics such as self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and the importance of help-seeking behaviour.
We hope you found the session informative and empowering, providing you with valuable insights into the online environment and how to help young people use technology safely and responsibly. For more information, please visit
A Big Thank You to Phil O'Donaghoe!
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Phil O'Donaghoe for his invaluable help in assembling our new swivel chairs and filing cabinets. Your efforts have made a significant difference, and we truly appreciate your hard work. Thank you, Phil!
Week 4 & 5 Assembly - Congratulations to the award recipients!
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak