In the Classroom

Coming to the end of the year our class has been looking at how we care for others in the classroom. This has come with many talks about how we can be more like Jesus. Lots of cooperative play and shared numeracy and literacy games have helped this too. As a class we have been learning our long vowel sounds and using our sound knowledge to write stories with a beginning, middle and end. We have worked hard on writing sentences with a capital letter and a full stop. We have had lots of fun learning about the songs that have been big in the Australian history. We have spoken lots about moving in Grade 1 and how we are now the leaders for the new Foundations to follow.
Grade 1/2
Grade 1-2 have finished writing their fantastic narrative stories and have started working on writing letters, I wonder who we might write to next??
We have been asking questions to collect data and create graphs from that information.
Grade 2/3
The students in 2/3 class have been busy writing and reflecting in their favourite part of class novel, 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'. They have presented their fabulous writing piece complimented inside their own personalised 'Wardrobe'.
Grade 4/5
This Term, Year 4/5 students have shown engagement and understanding while exploring the Ochre Education Storm Boy unit. Students have demonstrated comprehension of the key themes, including friendship, respect for nature, and resilience. Our class has had a major focus on vocabulary, which has been used effectively in both spoken and written work. Students have actively engaged with new words throughout the unit, demonstrating an ability to understand and apply them in context.
Grade 5/6
The Grade 5/6 Students have been busy over recent weeks working on their historical video report projects. We have been very fortunate to have been able to borrow a Green Screen which has provided lots of fun and experimenting with film backgrounds and movie editing. Lots to learn with historical research, script writing with Mrs. Gemmill, planning the action, costumes and finding the backgrounds to suit the stories that are being retold. The two days spent videoing provided the opportunity for the children to develop skills in leadership, independent learning, planning, working in a team and working to a deadline. It will be great to view their finished video reports, telling some of the events of the Federation, the Gallipoli Landing and Armistice Day.
Mrs. Brooks