From the Leader of Curriculum

2025 Student Subject Resource Lists
Campion Education would like to let you know that the Caroline Chisholm College Resource Lists for Years 7 – 11 are now available and can be completed online at
- Please place your order by Friday 13th of December 2024, for home delivery.
When ordering online you will need to use the following Access Code: RKP7
All online orders are delivered to your home, office, or any designated address. The parcels will be delivered the week ending Friday 17th of January 2025.
Placing your order online by the due date is the best way to ensure students receive all available items in time for the start of the new school year.
The Campion Education staff wishes all students, the best for the coming year!
The lists can also be found in Compass under the Community tab and ‘School Documentation’.
Mrs Natalie Vella
Leader of Curriculum and Leader of HSIE