Wellbeing News 

Elizabeth Whiting, Wellbeing Leader

Year Five Student Leadership Speeches 2024

It was with great excitement that our Year 5 students presented speeches in their area of interest for leadership in 2025 this week. It was an honour to see our students proudly share who they are and share their aspirations as future leaders at St John's. 


As outlined in our school’s Student Leadership Policy, the essential criteria for all student leadership positions are:

  • Consistently exhibits our school faith based values (ie. caring for others, friendliness, respect, valuing difference, including others and responsibility).
  • Demonstrates exemplary behaviour by upholding the school’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Displays organisational skills.
  • Works well in teams.
  • Demonstrates confidence in public speaking.
  • Demonstrates interest and willingness to be involved in all types of school activities.

We thank Penny Baynes 5B, Susan Lew Kee 5B, Hollie Goad 6G, Shane Thompson 6T and all Year 5 and 6 students for their attentiveness and support as the Year 5 students presented. The staff will now watch the leadership speeches and submit votes. We look forward to announcing the successful applicants shortly. Congratulations to all !!!