Education in Faith News

Connie Bandiera, Education in Faith Leader


As we prepare for the Season of Advent, we begin to prepare ourselves for the start of the new Liturgical Year. The Church’s "new year" begins on the first Sunday of Advent, which this year falls on 1 December. We close this current year with the Feast of Christ the King on Sunday, 24 November, a celebration of Jesus as the King of the entire universe. This feast day serves as a reminder of Jesus' immense love for us and invites us to reflect on how we can be kind and supportive to one another, just as Jesus teaches us to be.  

St Vincent de Paul's Christmas Appeal

In the next few weeks, we will begin asking for donations for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Our student Faith & Social Justice Team will be putting together flyers regarding how we would like each year level to contribute to the appeal. 


St Vincent de Paul is an amazing charity we continue to work with as everything we donate is given to those in need in our Heidelberg parish community. Last year they were able to support many, just from the gift card donations of our generous families at St John’s. Please stay tuned for more details soon. 

Upcoming Dates

Thursday 5 December  6:00pm      Whole School - Christmas Carols

Thursday 12 December 12:30pm  Whole School - End of Year & Feast Day Mass     

Monday 16 December 6:30pm   Year Six Graduation - Mass followed by Supper