General News
Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch
General News
Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch
School TV , Facebook links below
Week 5: 11th - 15th November
Tue + Wed: Healthy Harold returns! Life Education has generously sourced funding for us for this year.
Thursday - Tennis with Mitch Power
Friday - Kinder Readiness (Full day)
Please advise if you will be attending the SAC and PTF dinner at the Imperial
Week 6: 18th - 22nd November
Tuesday - Please complete the swimming permission note in Compass
Wednesday - School Advisory Meeting (5:00pm) and PT&F (6:00pm) Followed by dinner at the Imperial Hotel.
Thursday - Tennis with Mitch Power
Friday - Kinder Readiness (Full day)
Week 7: 25th - 29th November
Monday - Primary Spelling Bee
Wednesday - Swimming
Friday - Kinder Readiness (Full day)
Week 8: 2nd - 6th December
Monday - Presentation Day 9:15am
Wednesday - Swimming
Friday - Kinder Readiness (Full day)
- School Fees Due
Week 9: 9th - 13th December
Wednesday - Swimming
Friday - Graduation Mass 9:30am
- Kinder Readiness (Final day)
St Joseph's has talent competition 2-3pm
Week 10: 16th - 19th December
Monday - Year 6 Graduation Dinner
Tuesday - Year 6 Big Day Out
Wednesday - Swimming
Thursday - Last day for Students and Staff
Yes! It is that time of year to once again showcase the amazing talents of our students. Students wishing to participate in St Joey's Got Talent will be required to complete a form and return to school so they can be included in the Auditions. Please read the ticket information below for more details.
Change to afternoon travel arrangements request: Please email all changes for afternoon travel arrangements to before 2pm. This is our preferred process to ensure changes are made correctly to the travel document.
If you have an urgent change after 2pm you can ring the office on 67461033.