21st Century
Learning Space
21st Century
Learning Space
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge Certificates and Bookmarks have been distributed to all classes this week. Congratulations once again to all of our students for completing the Reading Challenge and enjoying your reading. Well done everyone. We look forward to another wonderful year of reading next year.
National Recycling Week is one of Planet Ark’s flagship campaigns and every year aims to educate and empower people to do the right thing when recycling. The campaign was established in 1996 and this year runs from 11-17 November, 2024. We all know that we don’t have a never-ending amount of resources and we do need to reduce, reuse and recycle whenever we can.
We need to rethink our waste and see it as a resource that can be turned into new products. We can benefit the environment by reducing the amount of raw materials we take from the earth if we keep materials in circulation for as long as possible.
There are some wonderful children’s books on this topic that have powerful messages and that clearly explain the concepts.
One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia by Miranda Paul
This is the true story of one woman who inspired others to reuse plastic bags. Against the odds she transformed her community and got rid of the plastic bags that were harming animals and causing environmental damage in her community. She proved that one person can make a difference.
A Planet Full of Plastic by Neal Layton
This nonfiction picture book is very good. It explains where plastic comes from, why it isn’t biodegradable, and why it’s dangerous for animals and humans alike. The book also suggests simple ways we can help the environment by making small changes to how we live.
Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethal
Michael Recycle is all about teaching people how to recycle. Michael is a superhero whose power takes him on an environmental adventure to help the world!
Let’s spread the word and do the best we can to recycle and manage our rubbish. Further information can be found at https://planetark.org/programs/national-recycling-week
From next week until the end of the year we will be focusing on getting students to return all library books currently on loan. Please note the last day for borrowing for the Year 6’s is Friday 16 November, 2024 and for students in Foundation to Year 5, the last day for borrowing is Friday 6 December, 2024.
Everyone can login to Oliver V5 our Library Operating System through Compass to check the books you have on loan. Teachers will also be given ‘Overdue lists’ per class so that we can follow them up. Please have a look at home for any classroom readers, books from class sets and any other books that have a Rowville Primary School identification stamp on them. You can return them to the “returns trolley” in the main library at any time.
If you have any enquiries about the books you have on loan please come and see me or email so that we can sort it out as soon as possible. Thank you.
The brochures for Scholastic Bookclub Issue 8 were distributed this week. This issue will be the last for the year and orders are due by Wednesday 20 November, 2024 at the latest. Thanks to everyone who purchased books from Scholastic Australia this year as we were able to choose lots of great titles to add to the collection. Our students enjoy reading new books!
We’ve been very fortunate to receive some more books donated to the school library. Thank you Ms Hayes, The McKinnon Family, The Ellery Family and The Kids Bookshop in Mitcham. Every donated resource enables our students to have a greater variety of reading materials and every donation is appreciated. Thank you very much.
The McKinnon Family donated a very special book written by a student’s Great Grandfather in 2002. The title is A Bee in Ben’s Bonnet by Ferg McKinnon. It is dedicated to his grandchildren and is about a boy from a large family whose only wish was to share his birthday with them all. The picture book uses popular clichés or expressions to keep the story moving along like “little sister Sally was flying off the handle and little brother William had egg on his face.” Kim Gamble’s illustrations perfectly match the text and writing style. There is a lovely surprise at the end of the story as well! Thank you for donating this book for the students of Rowville Primary School to enjoy.
Jackie Hicks
21st Century Learning Space Manager