The Lab Report
Jessica Deans
The Lab Report
Jessica Deans
I have been so impressed with the students this term. Their efforts in Physical Science have been amazing! Many of the classes have been exploring the different forces, such as push, pull, magnetism, friction and gravity. Depending on the year level we have conducted experiments, played games and explored how different types of toys work. There are so many different ways to observe these forces that many different year levels have been familiarising themselves with them.
Other areas we have been looking at are light and sound, again exploring different aspects of these with different year levels. The Year 5 work on reflection, refraction and absorption have also included art through mirror photography, a collaboration with Mrs Oakham, mirror mazes and investigations. The Year 2s have been focussed more on light sources and how to tell the difference between a source of light and a reflection. Foundation have just completed their unit on the Five Senses and have had their first science assessment to see what they have learned. They looked at light through what they could see, and sounds through what they could hear. The Year 1s have been going through different types of toys from around the world, where they’ve come from, who made them and the science behind how they work.
All the students have had opportunities to work collaboratively with other students or independently, and it’s been so nice to see how engaged they are discussing different ideas and concepts with their friends and peers. While we only have a few weeks left at school, that does not mean that the science will be wrapping up early. We will be moving forward with shadow puppets, circuit kits, the movements of objects that have a different size or shape, designing games based on the forces and more toy exploration to figure out how things work.