Senior School

Careers and Pathways
The latest edition of the Careers & Pathways newsletter is available here
Features include:
- Melbourne University Chancellor’s Scholarship
- How to become an Aircraft Pilot
- Women in STEM Scholarships
- How to Find your path to University
- Trainee Dental Assistant
- Gap Years Guide
- Revisit your Morrisby Account
- Thinking about a Medical Pathway
Senior School Dance Showcase
Friday 29 November - 6pm
The End of Year Dance Showcase is taking place at the Studio Theatre, Theatre Royal on Friday 29 November at 6pm. This free event will showcase the work of Years 9-12 Dance students, and is a chance to celebrate their achievements for the semester.
Unfortunately due to venue capacity, this event has limited seating availability. Each dance student will receive three tickets for friends and family. If you would like additional tickets, or are able to pass any unwanted tickets on please contact Casey so that re-allocation can take place. Entry is by ticket only and no walk-ins are allowed.
Year 11 IB Diploma Alternative Program
Monday 25 November to Friday 29 November
Next week will be the final week for Year 11 IB Diploma Students. An alternative program has been created and shared with students. They will take part in a CAS Day during which they will cook donations for Home Base (formally Colony 47) and engage in a ceramics workshop to make habitat for the endangered handfish. They will also take part in sessions for Theory of Knowledge, Languages and The Arts.
The week will culminate with the Extended Essay Presentations (see more information below) and the Group 4 Science Presentations to Years 4-5 Students, where they will share their findings from collaborative projects based upon the UN Sustainable Development Goals that encompass water.
If more information is needed, please contact Sarah Walker.
Year 11 IBDP Extended Essay (EE) Presentations
Thursday 28 November - 1.15pm to 3.30pm
The EE Presentations will take place next Thursday 28 November from 1.15pm to 3.30pm upstairs in the W N Oats building. All members of the school community are warmly invited to attend and hear from our students whose topics range from; the ongoing consequences of colonisation as depicted in literature, the extent to which cultural relativism holds power in the issue of child marriage in Burkina Faso, the effects of nitrogen pollution on nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen tolerant lichen and the impact of K-Wave and the dissemination of South Korea’s cultural global influence! It promises to be a great afternoon.
2025 Music Ensemble Schedule
The final 2025 Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule is now available here.
For any questions, please contact Paul Kershna - Head of Music.
Parent Webinar - Resilience in Your Child
Wednesday 27 November - 6.30pm to 7.30pm
We know that students are at their most vulnerable during exam season, even with teachers doing all they can to keep morale high. The perfect storm of repetitive revision, pressure, and fear of the unknown, can easily knock a student’s confidence and impact their performance in assessments.
The upcoming Elevate Education live webinar supports parents in building up their child’s resilience, helping them to recover quickly from unexpected speed bumps and take control of their response to setbacks.
Register here
Free Dress Day
Friday 29 November
Tutor Group R2 will host a Free Dress Day in the Senior School to fundraise for Ten Lives Cat Centre. Ten Lives Cat Centre is a Tasmanian-based non-profit organisation that helps to reduce the number of feral and unwanted cats in Southern Tasmania. This is a Free Dress Day for all Senior School students, and gold coin donations will be taken by R2 students during Tutor Time.
TASC Results
On 18 December TASC will send results email/s to the email address students provided when completing their Student Declaration. Students may receive the following results emails (if eligible):
- Course Criterion Profile Statement
- Statement of Results
- ATAR Statement.
The Course Criterion Profile Statement email includes extra detail not provided in the posted results package, including the ratings the student achieved for each criterion (both internal and external).
If a student needs to update their preferred email address with TASC, they can do that using the Update your email address webform. Students that register a personal email address with TASC can help them retain easy access to their results email.
Years 9 and 10 Twilight Concert
Thursday 28 November
The Years 9 and10 Twilight Concert will take place Thursday 28 November at Hodgkin Hall, starting at 6pm.
Students from Years 9 and 10 music classes will present a diverse program, featuring works they've prepared throughout the semester. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend!
Outdoor Marimba Concert
Friday 22 November
We warmly invite you to our upcoming Outdoor Marimba Concert on Friday 22 November. Beginning at 5pm in the beautiful outdoor area beside The Farrall Centre and Walpole (Bark Chip/Courtyard), this concert will showcase the talents of our Marimba ensembles from Years 5 to 12.
A BBQ will be available in partnership with the Rotary Club, with all proceeds going toward their community initiatives. We look forward to sharing this special evening of music with you and your family.
Year 10 Examinations
Year 10 exams will be held in the week started on 18th of November. The Senior School Library will be open as a quiet study area throughout the examination period. Any student on campus is required to sign in to the library when they are not in exams.
If your child is unwell on a day of exams, please contact the Senior School office before 10am.
The examination timetable and further information is available here.
Year 12 Leavers' Service 2024
Monday 25 November - 4.30pm
Families of Year 12 students are warmly invited to attend the Leavers’ Service in The Farrall Centre from 4.30pm on the Monday 25 November. The Service will run for approximately 1.5 hours, and there will be refreshments available in the Middle School Foyer after. All leaving students are required to wear formal uniform.
Please contact Emma Gilligan in Community Engagement or Kate Baldry if you have any questions.
Please book your tickets here (maximum 4 tickets per family)
Climate Action & Awareness Event
Sunday 1 December | 2pm - 4.30pm
Join us for a viewing of three short environmental films, involving a Q&A panel with Tasmanian environmental activists and documentary makers. Guest speakers include Cassy O'Connor, Pete Walsh (known for his Platypus Guardian' documentary), Grassroots Action Network representative Darcy Wright, and an owner of the Eaglehawk Neck Dive Centre. All are Welcome.
Event: Spreading Awareness
Date: Sunday December 1 2024
Time: 2pm - 4.30pm
Venue: Friends' School Farrall Centre Auditorium (395 Argyle Street,
North Hobart)
RSVP: Friday 29 November 2024
For catering purposes, please RSVP interest by emailing Eve Cooper
Texas Music Trip 2025
We are thrilled to offer students who play orchestral percussion, wind, or brass instruments the chance to attend the Summer Music School at A&M University in West Texas during the July school holidays in 2025.
To confirm our numbers and secure your place on this exciting trip, we kindly ask that you pay a non-refundable deposit of $1,750 by Friday, 29 November 2024. If you intend to join us, please ensure the deposit is made by this date.
You can make the payment via the following TryBooking link.
Wind, Brass, and Percussion Concert
We invite you to join us for a short, informal concert featuring our wind, brass, and percussion ensembles at The Farrall Centre on Monday, 2 December, starting at 6:00 pm. Performances will include students from the Intermediate Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band. Families are warmly welcome to attend.
Senior School Office
Please note that the School Office contact details for Years 9 to 12 are as follows:
Phone: 6210 2255
Important Dates
Term 4 | Monday 14 October to Thursday 12 December
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar