Primary School

Monday 2 December
No Assembly on Monday 25 November. The next Primary School Assembly will take place on Monday 2 December in The Farrall Centre and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome families to attend. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.
The Friends’ School Term 4, 2024 Vacation Care Bookings
A reminder that we are once again offering a Vacation Care program for The Friends’ School Kindergarten to Year 6 students during the Term 4 holiday period. Please find enclosed our two upcoming Vacation Care Programs running from Friday 13 to Monday 23 December 2024 and from Monday 13 to Wednesday 30 January 2025 (note that we are closed 24 December 2024 - 12 January 2025). Bookings for our Vacation Care Program will be processed via Xap Smile. Detailed instructions on how to complete vacation care bookings have been sent to all families.
Bookings close at 6.00pm, Friday 6 December 2024. If you have any queries, please contact our Administration team via or call 6210 2276 for assistance.
Year 5 Band and Concert Band (Year 6) Performance Notice
Monday 25 November - 2.15pm to 3pm
We are excited to announce a short performance by the Year 5 Band and Concert Band (Year 6). The concert will take place in The Farrall Centre.
Students will be dismissed by their class teacher as usual at the end of the school day.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Hilary Morgan.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Fire Safety Program
Monday 18 - Wednesday 27 November
Firefighter Drew from the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) is currently visiting our school to present a Home Fire Safety Program to our Prep to Year 6 students. Kindergarten students, whilst not receiving a structured lesson, can expect a visit from Fireman Drew who will leave some free fun activities for the students to complete. The age appropriate program is designed to raise fire awareness in children and includes fun in class activities, videos, activity books, giveaways and a new kids website. Parents and other family members are also encouraged to participate by reading the information and assisting your child with the after school activities. The TFS aims to deliver appropriate fire safety education to every primary school child in Tasmania and is part of the TFS’s ongoing commitment to create a fire safe Tasmania.
Year 7 Information Evening
Tuesday 26 November - 7pm until 8.30pm
There will be an Information Evening on Tuesday 26 November for parents and guardians of students commencing Year 7 in 2025. The evening will run from 7.00pm until 8.30pm and will be held in The Farrall Centre. This is a valuable opportunity to learn more about our Year 7 and Middle School program and to meet key staff members and other parents. Presentations will include information about the curricular and co-curricular programs, our Quaker values and pastoral care.
Please book here.
Year 2 Outdoor Education Excursion - Cremorne Beach
Tuesday 26 November
Year 2 will travel to Cremorne Beach by bus with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Emily Ardas. Students will be exploring how Tasmanian Aboriginal people connect to Sea Country. We will depart school at 9.00am and will be returning to school by the end of the school day. Students need to come dressed in their sports uniform, including a sunhat and waterproof raincoat. They should bring a big lunch and lots of snacks, a full water bottle and any required personal medications (labelled) for the day. Please ensure your child’s Operoo profile is up to date and sunscreen is applied before they arrive at school.
Year 1 Outdoor Education Excursion - Fossil Cove
Wednesday 27 November
Year 1 will be embarking upon a coastal day to Fossil Cove and Tinderbox Reserve. The students will leave at 9.15am and return to school at 1.30pm with class teachers and Emily Ardas, the Outdoor Education teacher, facilitating this day, providing students with the opportunity to search for, identify, ask questions and think about what fossils can tell us about the past. Students are required to wear their sports uniform and sturdy shoes for walking in. They are also to bring a backpack containing: morning tea and lunch, rain jacket, water bottle, a warm jumper, sun hat and a change of socks. Please ensure your child’s Operoo profile is up to date and sunscreen is applied before they arrive at school.
Prep Art Exhibition
Wednesday 27 November
We are very pleased to invite our families and friends to the Prep Art Exhibition 2024. The Exhibition will take place in The Farrall Centre on Wednesday 27 November from 2.15pm - 3.15pm, we hope you are able to join us. Parents, could you please meet your child outside the classroom and they will escort you to the Opening and then guide you around the Exhibition.
Year 6 Camp
Thursday 28 - Friday 29 November
On Thursday 28 November, Year 6 will be attending their annual camp at South Arm. This camp is focussing on Aboriginal Culture and connection to Country, spirituality, organisation and community. They will depart school on Thursday morning at 9.00am and return by 2.30pm, Friday 29 November. Students may be collected from the drive through on Friday from 2.40pm. Further information about camp has been provided for parents through Operoo. If you have any questions please contact your child’s Year 6 teacher.
Refurbished Meredith Building Open Morning
Families and staff are warmly invited to view the refurbished Meredith Building, which is home to new Middle School art and maker spaces.
When: 8:15am to 9am, Thursday 28 November
Where: Meredith Building, 6 Boa Vista Road
There will be some refreshments, so please pop in for a look around during this time. There will be additional viewing opportunities in the new year for those who can't make it this time.
Kindergarten - Year 2 Sports Day
Friday 29 November
The Kindergarten to Year 2 Sports Day will be held on Friday 29 November on the School's bottom green from 12.00pm - 1.30pm. Parents and families are welcome to attend and there will be a coffee van onsite for you to purchase drinks throughout the event.
Children are to wear their sports uniform and ensure they have their hat and a water bottle for the event. A program has been emailed to parents. Any further questions please contact Ella Smail.
Primary Schools Triathlon Challenge
Friday 29 November
A reminder to those Year 5 students entered in the Primary Schools Triathlon Challenge that it is to be held on Friday 29 November at Bellerive Beach. Students involved will travel by bus to and from the venue. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.
Moving On Day and Year 7 Orientation Day
Monday 2 December
The purpose of this day is to establish positive relationships between next year’s teachers and classmates before the long holiday. It is also a wonderful opportunity to introduce our new students into the School. Students will spend time with their teacher for next year and get to know their new classmates.
Families will receive a note at the end of this day communicating their child/ children’s classroom teacher for 2025. We have taken great care to ensure that the 2025 class groups support all the children’s best interests and learning needs. We value your support in making this a positive transition.
For Year 6 students, Year 7 Orientation Session 1 will also be held on Monday 2 December 2024 from 8.45am until 3.00pm. Students are not expected to wear school uniform on this day, however, they should wear casual clothes that are suitable for some easy and fun physical activities. Year 6 students do not come to the Primary School on this day but will meet in the Middle School Foyer with other new Year 7 students between 8.45am and 9.00am. Students should bring their own lunch and a drink bottle on this day. Please note that pick-up at the end of the day for students being collected by car is in Boa Vista Road.
Year 2 Parents’ Tour of Walpole
Tuesday 3 December
On Tuesday 3 December, current Year 2 parents are invited for an informal tour of Walpole. The Year 2 children will take you on a tour between 8.45am and 9.30am. Please go to the Year 2 classroom first so that your child’s attendance can be recorded. You are not expected to stay for the entire duration, it is an opportunity for you to become familiar with the upcoming change of location and support your child during this exciting time. Please contact Deputy Head (Year 2 - 6), Wendy Crow if you have any further questions about learning in Year 3.
Year 5 Art Exhibition
Thursday 5 December
Year 5 students have been inquiring into 'How we express ourselves' under the central idea, 'Creative thinking unlocks a world of possibilities.' We have explored how and why artists convey messages or provoke thinking around concepts, issues and personal perspectives. Students have created a variety of artworks to express themselves using an array of media.
We invite you to explore the messages they are sharing through their artworks on Thursday 5 December from 2.30pm - 3.15pm in the Bark Chip area. If it is raining, the exhibition will take place in the Year 5 classrooms and Walpole Deck.
Year 2 Musical
Friday 6 December
Year 2 students will be performing "The Selfish Ladybirds" on Friday 6 December at 2.15pm. Everyone has been working hard to learn their lines, songs and actions and we can’t wait to share this with our Year 2 families and our Primary School classmates. The performance will be in The Farrall Centre.
Year 5 Outdoor Education Excursion - Coningham Beach
Friday 6 December
On Friday 6 December, Year 5 students will be visiting Coningham Beach for an Outdoor Education day starting at 9.00am and returning at 3.00pm. Our focus is connecting with the natural environment and self-management in the outdoors. Students will participate in various activities including a walk, swim/beach games and nature journaling. Outdoor Education teachers Matt Conolon and Emily Ardas and Outdoor Education Teachers assistant Damian Cruise will be accompanying the students along with the classroom teachers and other support staff.
Students will need to wear suitable clothing for the weather conditions (consider good sun protection). Students will need to pack a towel (preferably hoodie towel) + bathers, a warm jumper (E.g fleece, not cotton), sun hat, suncream, waterproof raincoat, lunch, snacks and water bottle. Please send along a plastic or water proof bag for wet swimmers and towel. Students will also need to wear sturdy shoes for walking.
2025 Music Ensemble Schedule
The final 2025 Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule is now available here.
For any questions, please contact Paul Kershna - Head of Music.
Recycled Bottle Art Day - Donations Requested
During our January Vacation Care program we will be having a Recycled Bottle Art Day, turning used plastic bottles into creative works of art. We need help with donations of empty, clean bottles for the day. If you have any to spare, please drop them off at Outside School Hours Care in the Frank Wells Hall in coming weeks.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 4 Monday 14 October to Thursday 12 December
Thursday 28 – Friday 29 November – Year 6 Camp
Friday 29 November – K-2 Sports Day
Monday 2 December – Moving on Day and Year 7 Orientation
Wednesday 4 December - End of Year Gathering
Friday 6 December - Year 2 Musical
Monday 9 December – Year 6 Assembly
Wednesday 11 December – Year 6 Social
Thursday 12 December - Primary School Community Day