Message from the Principal 

James Penson


Wow – what an amazing event! So much fun, laughter and some awesome trivia questions to top it all off. 


In total, close to $8,000 was raised and that added to some previous fundraising throughout this year, gives us enough money to refurbish our school council portable. This includes a new ceiling, flooring, blinds and opens a whole new learning space for our students. This is the first part of our bigger plan to open the area in the back corner of the school and turn it into an environmental science and garden area.


Of course, events like this don’t just happen. They take lots of effort, time and energy. A huge Greenhills shout out to Hayley Madge and Jess Testa for putting everything together and ensuring our event was such a success and so memorable. Thank you also to our Parent Association for supporting the organisation. Our PA does such a wonderful job, and we are always looking for more people to join us. Look out for our meeting dates next year.


Overall, a G.R.E.A.T. night for our school community. Not only was it such a wonderful way to build our social connections and strengthen our Greenhills community, but we raised some valuable funds. Both elements are so important for schools.


Another strength of our school is the way we develop student leadership. All our Year 5 & 6 students are actively involved in a range of Action Teams. Through these teams, students are given the challenge of leaving the school in a better way than it was when they first arrived. It is an opportunity for them to be supported to grow, develop and apply their leadership skills to initiate and address the needs and wants of our school community.  This term has seen the culmination of many of their ideas, initiatives and projects. 


The students can also earn four different badges.


To obtain these badges, the students are required to demonstrate that they understand and have modelled each element. They use a journal to write a reflection that discusses what they have learned and how they have shown this skill by sharing three different examples.


Here is a small snapshot that highlights some of this learning:


“I learned that before you make a decision, you need to think 

about what others like, not just yourself”.


“Saying hard things to your friends is sometimes quite challenging, 

but as a leader it is really important".


We have had to change one of the advertised dates for our first Meet the Teacher. This was originally set for Thursday 5th December. On this day we will still be running our Meet the Teacher for our 2025 Preps, but not the rest of the school. Instead, we have re-scheduled for Wednesday 11th December. 


9.15am – 10.45am Tuesday 10th December – Meet the Teacher #1


9.15am – 10.45sam Wednesday 11th December – Meet the Teacher #2



James Penson,
