Scienceworks Excursion

Scienceworks & Melbourne Planetarium Excursion
Last Friday all the children set off for our whole school excursion to Scienceworks and the Melbourne Planetarium in Spotswood. Scienceworks is a fully interactive science based museum filled with immersive spaces and sensory learning. Everyone had a fabulous day and had a chance to interact with many of the museum's exhibits and immersive experiences as well as enjoy a show in the Melbourne Planetarium. Thank you to Narelle Diamandis, Debbie Juric, Andrea Rowe, Asha Onans, Vicky Li and Mona Golestan Far for coming along to assist. Here are some highlights of their day...
Student Reflections...
On Friday we went to an excursion to Scienceworks and we went to the Planetarium. It was fun!
By Xavier F
What I really liked about Scienceworks was the Planetarium where we watched "Tucho Goes To Mars" and we saw all of those constellations and planets. What I also liked was the futuristic car designing area where people design their future car. What I think most people liked was where you have to make a very recycled house.
By Kieran
Scienceworks was a really fun place to learn and play. We all liked each of the rooms. It kept getting more and more exciting with each room we went into. I'd say my favourite part of Scienceworks was the Planetarium.
By Zoe
Scienceworks was an amazing and magical experience. There were many exhibitions with various topics like sport, general science and health and fitness sections, which were extraordinary. Travelling around Scienceworks was like walking in the future during the "Looking Ahead" exhibition where we got to design our future car ourselves
By Bethany
On the 8th November 2024, Holy Saviour went to Scienceworks. There were a lot of exhibits including the Planetarium, the Sports Museum and the Think Ahead exhibit. We went on a bus which took around an hour. After the bus we arrived at Scienceworks and went to the Think Ahead exhibit. My favourite part of this exhibit was the sound room. The sound room was where you can pick between a variety of sounds and you can listen and play around with all the sounds. After this we went to the outside area to eat our snack. We quickly ate and then headed off to the Sports Museum. It was my favourite but then we went to our last exhibit, the Planetarium. We saw planets up close. then we went back to school after having a wonderful day!
By Lucas F
We had such a fun day at Scienceworks and the Planetarium. I found the sports section very interesting. There were lots of activities. My favourite was the wheel-chair race. There was also a machine that measured your height and weight and how how you could jump. I really enjoyed the Racing Against Cathy Freeman activity and practicing my netball skills.
By Ryan