General News

Joke of the Week
Mum was trying to get her son to get out of bed and get ready for school.
"I am not going to school!" the son responded defiantly.
"Why not?" Mum wanted to know.
"Well, first of all I hate school and second of all ..the kids all hate me!!"
was the answer.
"Son, that's not good reasons, you will have to get up and ready for school!"
Mum replied.
"Well, give me two good reasons why I should," the son said.
"Well," Mum said quietly,
"First of all you are 41 years old and second of all...You are the Principal."
Bakers Delight Christmas Fundraiser
Its that time of the year again! Bakers Delight Vermont South, would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase delicious Fruit Mince Tarts, Lemon Tarts, Christmas Cakes, Christmas Tree Cakes and Small Cakes for the festive season. For every six-pack of Christmas Tarts or cakes you order, Bakers Delight Vermont South will give $2.00 to the school.
Simply place your order via CDFpay by Thursday 12th December and your order will be delivered to the school ready for collection on Monday 16th December.
Remember to ask family and friends if they would like to order some too!
Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony & Party
The Grade 6 Graduation ceremony is currently scheduled for Tuesday 10th December. More details regarding this event will be communicated in the coming weeks.
The parent-run grade 6 Graduation party will be held on Friday 13th December in the Multi-purpose hall.
Library Books
Wednesday 27th November will be the children's last library borrowing session for the year and all books must be returned to the library by Wednesday 4th December.
In the coming weeks please remember to return all books that might still be at home. Please contact the library or classroom teacher if you are unsure of which books might be overdue.
Second Hand Uniforms - Last days!
Second hand Summer uniforms will be set up in the office for one more week only. If anyone is interested in purchasing a second hand uniform, please either come in and speak with either Sherridan or Kerry or email the office with your request and sizing requirements and we will check to see if the item is available. If it is, we will notify you. All we charge for second hand uniforms is a gold coin donation. Please note however that not all sizes and items will be in stock.
Book Club
The Issue 8 Scholastic Book Club catalogue was sent home this afternoon. This will be the final book club catalogue for the year and there are some great Christmas gift ideas on offer.!
Please submit all orders by Friday 29th November, 5pm. To view the catalogue online and place your order please click here.
Please let the office know if you are intending these books to be Christmas gifts for your children and we can contact you directly for pickup when they arrive.
School Fees
Please note that Term 4 school fees are now due and all school fees must be paid by Friday 6th December. Statements were emailed to families on Wednesday. If you have any questions or need to discuss your financial arrangements, please contact the office.
Emmaus Kindergarten & OSHC
Lunch Time Clubs
This term children can participate in the following clubs during half of their lunch breaks:
Monday - Gardening Club with Mrs Congerton
Tuesday - Art Club with Mrs Turner
Wednesday - Fun & Games in the Library with Mrs Corcoran
Thursday - Cross stich Club with Ms. Congerton
Mobile Phones
Just a Reminder to students and parents of our rules and regulations regarding the use of mobile phones and other personal devices. In our Holy Saviour Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement, it states that students will, “give my teacher a written ‘BYOD consent form’ from my parents/guardians before bringing my own devices to school. Otherwise I will leave my equipment at home.” If you have an urgent message to get to your child, this is to be done via the office, even if your child is offsite at an excursion or interschool sport event. If you cannot get through on the phone, an email to always promptly responded to. This is important for the care and safety of all children at Holy Saviour.
Beyond EduCare After School Care
If you are interested in our wonderful after school program run by Beyond EduCare, please refer to the attached enrolment information and CLICK HERE for the enrolment link.
Term 4 - 'No Hat No Play'
We remind parents and children that term 4 has a ‘No Hat – No Play’ Sunsmart policy. Children must have their hats for every break and PE lesson this term. It must also be a proper Holy Saviour hat, normal caps with other logos are not our school uniform and children will not be allowed to play unless it is the proper hat. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Sun Smart!
As the weather continues to warm up it is timely to revisit ourSunSmart Policy. All students need to wear a hat at school for outside activities and come to school with sunscreen applied on exposed parts of the body. If your child has a skin sensitivity to sunscreen then please send an appropriate sunscreen product.
Follow us on Social Media
Don’t forget, Holy Saviour now has a Facebook page & Twitter! Search for “Holy Saviour Primary School, Vermont South” or “@HolySaviourPS”, then like and share our page to keep up to date with what is happening around the school. We also need people to review our school via the facebook page, so please do this too! The page will be mainly used to promote the school and celebrate achievements of our students. Don’t forget, we are also on Twitter @HolySaviourPSand Instagram “holy_saviour_ps_vs” !